Synopsis. Aka, back off. She takes Soos face in her hands as she adds that she has more to tell him, but itll wait until after her surgery. I love this show for all its prettiness and as much as I try to make myself truly love it, I can't help but leave feeling empty and cold towards the latter part of the show. They seemed to have resorted back to their just friends status although Sung was still very much in love with her still. Sex isn't a shameful thing. Someone put a lot of hard thought into that and it showed and was amazing. Honestly, after having long hair for so long and not being able to see it, probably one of the first things I would do is buy a wigif only just to see how I looked all that time. Old bad guy was not going to let him or JS walk away. Im going to carry you.. }); To be honest, I felt Nice Guy/Innocent Man was more engaging than That Winter, the Wind Blows. Is that really the type of mommy dearest love we are supposed to buy into? A tiny moment passes before he asks if they can see each other again. For Fessenden, this demonstrated a common American outlook that he wanted to highlight as having to change to fit the needs a changing world. The performances were good with the exception of Ron Perlman who just needed to tone it down a hair. Which means Soo can play against him and take all he has left. Here's the guy who warned you again and again that Kim was bad news, to get out of Dodge ASAP and don't look back, who was always trying to get you out of the gangster life - and so you take the knife and leave the only true villain in the entire melo and go all the way out to the rooftop to stab your friend. Stop playing with my emotions! As folks already pointed out, I just don't get why Sec. A friendly football game outside of the housing area is interrupted when environmental scientist Elliot accidentally collides with rookie oil worker Maxwell, resulting in Elliot getting a bloody nose. [5] The setting was partially inspired by Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage, a non-fiction book about wilderness survival in the Antarctic. This was later mixed with and refined by other ideas that involved the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and global warming. Soo chaotic and rushed and nonsensical. But, to be perfectly honest, I wasn't thinking about her hair at all this episode, haha. . Jin-sung arrives in the meantime so Boss Man can declare him Soos gambling partner, and all of Soos huffing and puffing cant reverse the situation now. If there's one thing that i loved coming out of this show, it's my new love for jo in sung. And is of a piece with the whole, what about Boss Kim? FAQ So let me get this straight. Sigh. About the wang discussion, i think wang told her that soo died 20 days ago, after her chimio was over, because she didnt want to give up on her chimio because of the sad news (im assuming wang found out oh soo died 6 months ago). The script for the film originally featured a more woodsy Alaska with pine trees and it was after a research trip to Prudhoe Bay that they discovered the harsh flat conditions that ultimately ended up in the film.[3]. All rights reserved worldwide. Maybe because I felt like whether or not he gave it in, Kim still was going to find some excuse to kill him. Everything Everywhere All At Once Takes Best Picture At New Image of Bill Skarsgrd and Jessica Roth in Official Poster for 'INSIDE' Starring Willem Dafoe. Thank you so much for the recap! Since it is a melo, I get that they don't need to have everything tied into a neat happy ending. I know what youre saying: Heads, thats crazy talk! Trust me, I know. Sans a passing mention of the attempt in a confusing conversation where she simultaneously told Soo that she couldnt forgive him yet she still loved him and wanted to be with him, I failed to see the step between I want to die and I want to try living because now Im extra sure you love me. His love couldnt cure her desire to die just one night earlier, but then by the morning after, his love cures all? I always felt as if she was always looking at me with all her body and heart. By far the most breathtaking place on earth, and still the most magical place I ever visited - and probably ever will visit - in my life. When I started watching I already accepted the fact that someone or even all of the lead characters might die. If that had been me, I'd have taken the knife and gone after Kim. HBO's The Last of Us episode 1 is a tense series premiere, and the ending warrants a bit of explanation. For me was obvious oh young didnt regain her sight, she basically could see only soo. I normally question these things in my head, but this time, I prefer that everyone heals for no apparent reason to get my happy ending. User Ratings Eco horror film about the advance team from an oil company finding that the Alaskan wilderness is turning against it. If i have to nominate 2 things i dislike about this drama was jin sung stabbing oh soo (really bad move) and oh young not knowing or not even suspecting that oh soo might not be his real brother. And second, Soo is alive because, as you say, picklemonster, they have too prosaic a conversation. Youngs self-realizations werent dependent on her as an individual, and her decision to live didnt come from a place of autonomous empowerment or anything befitting the idea of character growth, because her change in tempo was dependent on Soos reactions. I wont even get into how robbed I felt of FINALLY seeing Jin-sung break away from his astounding sense of loyalty, because it would have been an amazing character moment to see exactly how the wheels turned in his head when he chose his family over his best friend. So, THANK YOU NOH HEE KYUNG. Because a dead Soo wont give him any money, Boss Man has no choice but to try and win the pot to save himself from bankruptcy. I found some recaps confusing but not the show itself. Now the shot focuses, and we see that its definitely Soo dressed as a waiter. Hee-sun mentions that theyre going to see Soo tomorrow, but it doesnt seem like theyre seeing him alive when they talk about what flowers to take. That scene jump from cafe to that path lined with cherry blossom trees was so abrupt and strange, kind of like how it would happen in dreams. I can see just enough to see that youre very good looking, she adds. Her scene at the coffee shop was too prosaic. JIS, who I will forgive for just about anything! And there's no way the afterlife's that cruel. Ill miss it so much :D. I wanted to clear some things up for you, because I also had my doubts about whether Soo died or not at first. Or maybe Soo went into hiding until gangster Kim was arrested? I also like how she explains things, we get to see her thought process and I am grateful for that. 6. (For the other reasons you said as well.). Either way, I did really love this drama. At one point or the other, I kept viewing as some kind of Stockholm Syndrome on Young's end, the way she just also seemed to care for Wang even though what she did was horrible. A verification email has been sent to your new email address. Nooooooooo!!!! You will receive a link to create a new password via email. I wouldn't be here if it always follows my logic. I guess there are so many probabilities with this, it's kind of crazy. We have to understand where a character is coming from and why on a basic human level, regardless of circumstance. Tags: featured, Jo In-sung, Kim Bum, Song Hye-gyo, That Winter the Wind Blows, Your email address will not be published. I for one liked the ending. It was supposed to have been the test drill for opening up the ANWR to oil exploration, so maybe meaningful symbolically more than a real thing. Many viewers will say that a happy ending does not excuse a drama from obvious plot holes, but I'll give TWTWB a pass. The flowers of MS and JS was at the table. I was wrong. So it kinda kills me to read HeadsNo2's criticisms (that I agree with, btw) about often not being able to understand Young and other characters in this drama. The Winters Tale: That final scene In the past, Ive discussed the two scenes that are the bane of any director taking on The Winters Tale: the first scene in Bohemia, during I didn't have a problem with Soo not taking the $$ though! Nothing tells you, you want to live more than nearly dying. Maybe they are all waiting for Moo chul to show up. I don't recall Nice Guy's best friend betraying him, though. Watching that drama made me want to be sure not to take any of my loved ones for granted, to look for the good in each person, and to sing Kumbaya (just kidding). Isn't that what melos are (partially) made of- gut-wrenching decisions? But I'm just so thankful. "NHK lost her soul to the devil". Just like the one guy says, "Soo was willing to forget pride". I enjoyed this drama and was mesmerized by it, but at the end of the day, it won't go on my masterpiece or rewatch list. When I heard her speech in this ep about how she wanted Soo to come and save her I was really disgusted. But they crammed it into like a freaking two-minutes-reactionif that. So that combined with JS having to suffer watching hee Sun run thru flirtations equals he's paying his betrayal dues so hello they are dead too. They shift into her perspective when she was in the cab and saw the cherry blossoms, that's when the scene actually changed. Soo is on a timeline to make it back to the hospital, and he cant help but think of Youngs promise of all the things she plans to tell him in the future. The flowers conversation between JS and HS says no. That was what it felt like to me, just so we could have the reunion scene in the very end and tie a neat bow). How guilty you felt while you loved me. Yes, I know a lot of this is subtext and supposition (and the interpretation is questionable), but the ending of The Winters Tale requires it, no matter which interpretation you choose. For example, If you want a miracle, then why does Hermione say shes been preserved? Unfortunately, while they were running away, Thank you for pointing out the many holes and for doing it with some humor at times. Thank you so much <33333333. (Seriously! However that hee Sun would not figure it out would not be consistent. Also, most of the other NHK dramas I've watched have all felt remarkably real-- but in a way that evokes an appreciation of the human experience. We know that the pursuit of it has led not only to vast environmental damage, but also numerous wars and countless deaths. Basically the movie starts off a lot like The thing with some modern ecological themes mixed in. Photo: HBO. (Seriously though. I don't think it was an excuse to put in alot of sex scenes. Eventually they did and she gave up and died. I was waiting to see if the aftermath changed how I felt about the whole ordeal, since there was a chance for the show to treat the attempt in a thoughtful and meaningful way. I did chuckle many times reading this recap. The "threat" in this movie was inadequately developed and almost non exsistent. Young wakes up to find Soo asleep at her bedside, and as she brushes her fingers across his face she remembers his desperate plea for her to watch his video. I loved that. I waited for you for a long time, Young says. If it was a "porn" movie it wouldn't get nearly as much critical acclaim as it did. Can she see? I thought it was a nice touch. At least Moo-chuls minion seems to have Jin-sungs back. I was definitely perplexed, after having watched this episode. This explains that Oh young has the ability to see but not really clear. Sad how it happens to many of the dramas I follow. endings were perfectly done. Doctor Sun-hee treats Young at home, with Lawyer Jang and her closest friends watching nervously even as Sun-hee declares that Young will be fine when she wakes up. Please click the link in that email to complete the email change process. The bad friends, the conniving fiancee all forgiven and even rewarded, what a message to send to the public. Jin-sung seems to think so as he stops running and starts crying, with Moo-chuls minion nearby to share in the grief. So, being the med geek that I am, I am consoling myself with the thought that she had Stem Cell treatment that Noh Hee Kyung-nim didn't have time to incorporate. The story of The Last of Us begins in the suburbs of Austin, Texas, where the main character Joel Miller lives with his daughter Sarah as a dangerous epidemic of the mutated 2 eps later, all's forgiven! So is she over the suicide thing? :) Hope to read more of your future takes on future dramas. A lot happened in The Last of Us, and players can probably expect the story in TLOU2 to be even more suspenseful and compelling (especially if Ellie finds out Joel was lying) when it releases on June 19, 2020. Read our extensive list of rules for more information on other types of posts like fan-art and self-promotion, or message the moderators if you have any questions. If the fact that AFF is a story about a sexual relationship between two people growing into something else isn't enough justification for it having sex scenes, I don't know what is. Really, the only way out was to stab Soo? Congrats, Liera! We have seen that kind of setting before, in "The Thing" and a dozen other movies where a crew is isolated in a strange place where weird things start to happen. I love you.. After watching the last ep, even though we got the happy ending, I felt that it was a frustrating journey. Can you see nothing at all?. I dont want to admit it, but I cant be a better person. while watching this episode, as in "I really want to understand, but honestly, I don't. He turns back to her with a smile, and rings the bell bracelet. He continues on, and Young smiles. Jin-sungs betrayal was so out of character. Sometimes you can't explain your heart. When members of a remote Arctic drilling site begin behaving oddly and show signs they're potentially going insane, the few unaffected workers try to get the others to safety before they come face-to-face with the source of their condition. Note: This clip is from a version of the film dubbed in French. Theres new focus to her eyes she can definitely see. If he didn't I'd have to wrestle with that scene. She discovers a male employee who has committed suicide by hanging himself in one of the rooms. Another obvious thing was the discussion between jin sung and jung eun, they were obviously reffering to his grave (why didnt they get married as they planned if things settle down?) And then the scene changes, so that theyre suddenly kissing on on the same path where Young just walked, with Soo wearing the clothes she saw on him when he passed her on the bike. But more than anything, i belive the writers left an open ending on pourpose, they wanted to allow the viewers to come up with their own interpretation of the ending. It never felt like the characters were tying to be perfect or anything. By no means does that make the show terrible or the journey not worth taking, but theres that feeling of What Could Have Been, even though that feeling got tempered by all the pretty people and all the pretty cinematography. The first eight episodes were executed close to perfection imo but I didn't really mind the change in pace afterwards. This is a happy ending. As soon as the suicide twist happened, I think I started to check out, and fast. Oooh, a twist! Yes, my eyes feasted with those beautiful cherry blossom ending but I still felt robbed. Which is crappy and yes, obsessive and crazy! As for Soo, I mean, dude got stabbed not shot. It's so dang pretty to look at that I almost forget that it doesn't make sense. Not Soo asks her if she cant see, and she responds by asking if hes ever met a blind person. Soo makes Jin-sung and Boss Man nervous when he keeps folding, but Soo reveals his tactic during a time out he wanted to come this close to losing so Boss Man would have no option but to buy in. I think part of the problem lies with how the show quickly glossed over Jin Sung's dilemma and there were also no explanations on how Soo all of a sudden is alive in the end. I'd rate this above "Nice Guy" but below "I Miss You". Oh and I forgot to add. Why? *sighs* I need the (halmeoni) from Goodbye Solo to comfort me right now, so disappointed am I in the finale and in the drama as a whole. The atmosphere of coldness, emptiness, isolation and the resulting paranoia are captured perfectly. Thats where Young fails as a character, even though earlier episodes showed her growing and changing from the cold and prickly person she once was, which was mostly due to Secretary Wangs heavy hand in keeping her in a child-like state, into a woman who realized that the world wasnt always out to get her. (Just enough to pay Soos debt.) It's not an explanation for anything, but it's a thought. The use of soft-focus lens didn't seem to mesh well with the story-telling part. Sad. After the book reading at the cafe, was it only Young's wishful thinking and imagination while she was walking and reminiscing about a dead Soo? True. Such is the basis for Last Winter. The most important thing being that Soo was still standing at the end-would have hated that he died Young was still alive. My hope: This drama was a commissioned one and in exchange of this ratings success SBS will let her write her own personal project. Whether it really hurt you as much as it hurt me when you were lying. Jin-sung, WHY did you hang up on Hee-sun?! Secretary Wang wants to know why, considering how she made Young, you know, blind. I do find myself chuckling at times when reading her recaps. I was neither horrified, mystified, or thrilled. Finally, as to Wang coming backtruly platonic relationship. Since when did they promise to remove her brain tumor and restore her sight, considering that the two are unrelated? I don't count it as a story fail because it's well supported (Wang was always shown to love and support Young) but it's so weird! I will not claim expertise on this but I will say that I lost a family member to suicide. News flash he's out in his tight pants and leather doing redemption deeds and looking for hee Sun's sister. [6], The Last Winter premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival. But seriously, despite its at times heavy flaws- I still love the show. Here it just doesn't compute. There is something under the melting ice is it nature taking revenge on man, is it ghosts, is it just the paranoia of the crew turning on each other or is it seeping gas from the ground causing hallucinations like the ecological adviser of the team suspects?? I really REALLY hated how everyone let Secretary Wang just waltz back into Young's life. It can't be heaven either, because they would've just MET each other. But it didn't happen the finale is a mix of all those ideas mentioned, unsure if the thrown in CGI Animal-Ghosts are just products of imagination or natures wrath or whatever. I think she is still smart, just that depression--or drama depression, even--doesn't care about smartness. Had he survived, there would be no talk of bringing flowers to see Soo. In the penultimate scene, Hoffman must decide whether to fire a flare gun at a ghost stalking Pollack, or up into the air to summon help from a nearby town, opting for the latter. Im going to backtrack a bit to the attempted suicide, frankly because it still doesnt make any godforsaken sense on my end. Oh, btw about the cherry blossom painting we saw in this episode..there was another painting shown in the first episode of TWTWB, but it depicted a barren tree instead of flowers in full blossom (what lovely symbolism). Period. Sigh! He might cook too, but I didn't strike me as anything fancy. )that none of them are truly connected to whats actually happening. I don't think he's a chef, but I do think he owns some kind of restaurant. 2. It seemed like the restaurant was Soo's because he told her he actually wanted to cook because Jin Sung and Hee Sun both like his cooking. The ending seems to be pushed/could be better, yes. It was only in the last episode where the drama hinted at how he likes to cook. The next day, Maxwell is dispatched to check on one of the sites the drilling team is working on and mysteriously goes missing for most of the day. I missed the Soo whod scold Young in front of a mall crowd for not accepting help, or the one whod return a punch thrown at him. No surprise there especially after MC was redeemed, shown to be running interference all along and Wang was let off the hook which was crud. The temperature is climbing despite it being February, its raining and more than one of the people in his crew is acting strange. Is this another instance of Drama Syndrome, where characters would rather undergo pain and irreparable harm than do something logical? (the way to end the show?) Cherry blossom petals rain down as they kiss in soft-focus surroundings. Boss Man is hosting the game, and announces the grand prize seven million dollars. Sun-hee, after a dose of Newfound Optimism, smiles as she claims that Youngs chances are over 50% with that kind of preparedness. Wah anywhy was a great drama plus the acting was awesome X3. At first I was so upset because I wasn't sure whether Soo was dead or alive, and thought the writer ripped us off with an open-ended ending. External Reviews I think I was really happy while I was alive, Young remarks, which doesnt seem to make a lot of sense. As for Secretary Wang, I wished she had stayed gone. Drama pls! There was never ever enough Kim Bum. Warning: This story contains spoilers from season 5 of New Amsterdam. Heads you are one hell of a writer. :D. I'll add, I also agree that this wasn't the writer pulling out a happy ending to please fans or because she couldn't think of anything else. I don't think anyone will be able to wrap their head around why Jin Sung did that. Which begs the question: who was the better at conning? I can accept this ending though I wished for a happier one. The collapse of the environment has brought about the end, making this final framing and camera perspective cleverly placed. the last winter ending explained does bill pullman have sciatica/are rangers in financial trouble again 2021 / the last winter ending explained. Thank you so much Heads for your recaps. The cafe, the talking people, Soo dressed as a waiter. The only thing I was actually left wondering was what happened to President Kim? I think the idea of ''the best friend as a traitor'' does make sense in this plot. The scenario with the child and sec wang of course was only a part of the scne that it should be clear. xfbml : true, // parse social plugins on this page Oh you have made it perfect sense.I did not feel the flowers were for the grave, as lambs ear was more for OY than OS. If it'd been left with Soo on a bicycle, then I'd have leaned towards him being dead. He was always morally flexible as were most of these characters. I'm glad that this was my first. Flowers were for the grave. Theyre in it to win it or else. Well, he already knew he wanted her to stay with him (forever), so why not have her answer then and there? And where you buried my brother, or which river you spread his ashes at. Instead of theorizing, theres another option, in that the obligatory happy ending could have just made sense without requiring leaps in logic. This place is weird: Jim Hensons Liminal Films for Children and Adults. At times, I couldn't understand OY and I found her irritating sometimes. There's a gangster figure who seemed really mean, but who is actually a bit of a softie. (function(d, s, id) { (Wangs actions to put her in that initial state got a pass from the magical script fairy too, since the drama made sense of her behavior toward Young the way an abusive person justifies their actions: I hurt you because I love you! And thats somehow okay, enough for everyone to realize that they were sooo wrong about Wang, and that she was really the best caretaker Young could ask for? Really, why? Its Jin-sung. (I could buy him being dead if they'd left it at the bicycle scene -- but the restaurant was too real.). Like Heads said, there are other ways to say you miss someone. I was also impressed by the consistent beauty of the cinematography; perfect contrasts, appropriately warm tone, gorgeous scenery, etc. Thank you, Heads, for pointing out all the illogical additions and omissions that left me feeling confused and nonplussed during the last three or more episodes. I made the mistake to watch Frozen flower since everybody was talking about it. Do you think it is good to see a blurry drama scenes only because the main character is blind? Starts off slow so you think it's just taking its time, introducing you to the characters so you care when they (presumably) start to die horribly later on. The combined efforts of Sam, Bucky, John, and Sharon lead to Nobody knows what happened to the cook. Independent environmentalists work together in a drilling base headed by the tough Ed Pollack in a sort of agreement with the government, approving procedures and sending reports of the operation. Everyone else acting was as good as high schoolers reading a PowerPoint word for word in a presentation. Also, um. Love it! Thanks for recapping ! Even if OY couldn't forgive OS at that moment, they could have still talked, I thought. This is my third drama with this writer and it looks like she enjoys getting her characters to the lowest they can go (sickness, almost dying) and then having then come out unscathed and fine. Young goes to a cafe to wait, and we see Soos tree painting hanging on the wall, completed. In this supernatural-themed thriller a remote Alaskan outpost owned by a major oil company is haunted and its personnel are killed off either by the ghosts of ancient creaturesor by nature itself.Reminiscent to "The Thing" and "The Shining" the newest horror film by Larry Fessenden is mostly about global warming and its ghastly consequences.It seems that global warming somehow released the malignant spirits of ancient creatures that attack the oil company employees.In the vein of "The Shining" the personnel is slowly going insane one by one.Unfortunately the entire eerie premise is ruined by awful ending with silly CGI creatures make their appearance.The action is slow-moving,the gore is completely absent,but there are few spine-tingling moments.6 out of 10. There are pools of water on the ground nearby. Though the central conceit about nature "taking revenge" is pretty corny, the atmosphere is also pretty compellingly bleak, and the tension mounts pretty effectively as things go from bad to worse. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; This ambiguous ending reminds me of "Ironweed" by William Kennedy. The suicide, totally understandable for a person as emotionally damaged as she was who thinks she's been abandoned and betrayed by everything AND thinks she's going to die painfully anyway. and then she comes and "finds" him meaning her surgery must not have worked out and she died. She lost her mom, brother and though secretary wang is there, she is controlling OY. Secretary Wang and Young have a heart to heart as Wang tells her that even after the surgery, Young wont be able to live alone not because shes handicapped, but because no one can do anything alone. cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access When one insane team member is found dead naked on the snow, the environmentalist James Hoffman (James Le Gros) suspects that sour gases may have been accidentally released in the spot provoking hallucinations and insanity in the group. Thanks for your input on what was said by the actors about the finale coz I was confused and I wanna be happy.Yep,if she was in heaven her vision would be 100%!! You're right, everyone in this show seems to heal rather quick. Hoffman had refused to sign off on permission for heavy equipment to be brought in to help move drilling equipment due to potential damage to the tundra earlier in the film; Pollack and his boss, Foster, arrange for Hoffman to be replaced as a result. It's a remake so obviously the framework will be the same as the original. That ending just confused me. js = d.createElement(s); = id; DUDE. Though IMY is a drama I'd only recommend with warnings attached (it's definitely not for everyone) there was no story-logic fail. This is one of those movies that builds, quite effectively to a suspenseful setup and then, disappoints. Why? More importantly, Young, you are being kissed by Soo! My theory is they were Earths own nature spirits emerging as we humans have finally destroyed the balance which allows life to exist. Its not over between us, she says, echoing his line from the video. What else could he have done? Thank you so much for the recap. And I want to pay for what Ive done, he chokes out. It took me two watches to finally come around and give this movie credit where it was due. No, it wasnt ever hard, Blurry Figure responds. She can write characters with extremely logical and complex psyche, even the baddies. I'm disappointed though that it didn't keep up toward the end. My big plot-hole question is why didnt Pollack and Hoffman get the dead truckers boot to replace the one lost in the ice river? As you said, this show was well acted, well scored (and the editing was well done for the acting and for how the music was placed in the show). I loved the emotional humility of Soo's character. Soo calls Mi-ra to say hes on his way, but still, shouldnt he stay to make sure Jin-sung gets out of there? They are most probably dead and in heaven somewhere. AVOID IT ! If that was for Oh soo's grave then why it is on the table? }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Please enter your username or email address. !and more importantly they are both happy. So, the suicidal attitude has always been there and it takes months of treatment, so I can totally relate to OY each time she is going back and forth with the suicidal attempt or negativity towards life. But sometimes! i don't think dreaming would be like that. Oh soo waited for Oh young to recover (6 months). Young notices that her pre-surgery breakfast smells better than usual, only to find that Secretary Wang returned to cook it for her. SHK and JIS are really good looking. Hed told Wang not to tell Young. i had the same reaction when a friend told me, man! @picklemonster: I was happy with the happy ending, too. In this scene, the last remaining member of the oil team, Abby Sellers (played by Connie Britton), wakes up alone in a hospital-like room. The game amps up as Jin-sungs family loads the truck to move though theyre being watched by a shady-lookin dude. This implies that the rapacious, virus-like behavior of oil-seeking humans has resurrected the 'ghosts' of the fossil-fuels being siphoned out of the ground. Superb for the writer can make the viewer confused and determine their own opinion about the end of the drama, Daebak! Ron Perlman was, well, Ron Perlman, and James Le Gros did fairly well as his opposite. Required fields are marked *. Sex is a natural part of our life and that is artistically shot and they are just depicting a natural human behavior to get aroused and be lustful, because if you don't then you are not normal . Another BIG factor as to why the last scene is not a depiction of heaven, or Young's imagination, is because the conversation between Soo and Young in that cafe is waaay too elaborate to be fake. You made viewing this beautiful drama (scenes, actors and soundtracks) even more memorable. The characters were very well scripted and portrayed. His fellow Native Alaskan worker, Dawn goes insane shortly thereafter and murders Motor, the station mechanic, who had been injured when the plane crashed into the building. The last winter is a movie that starts up promising with an oil field expedition in the arctic plains. I was engaged for the whole movie. Well done. I will agree with deducing opera, that in general, barring sacrificing yourself in a suicide 'mission' to save others, suicide is a big o' hey look at me. And as was mentioned, there is no way Hee-Sun and Jin-Sung could be happy is Soo were really dead. A group of people located at a work station in the artic are the first to bear witness to the end of the world. While she was in the taxi she felt the wind rushing throught the trees, thats why she told the taxi driver to stop the car, she wanted to walk because she wanted to feel the breeze. It's not completely original, mind you. In fact, it's degenerative. However the group is divided into so many different factions(the company man,the conservationist,the spiritualist etc. Gangster Wannabe goes scurrying off with his tail between his legs just as Moo-chul collapses, spitting up blood from his stomach cancer. I felt like he was significant butI guessnot. But gradually, the characters grew on me, and their relationships touched me. Fessenden brought in co-writer Robert Leaver to collaborate with, and the two went back and forth on various ideas. The drama in it's entirety may not have been as solid as it's looks, but I for sure will not deny them. And HeadsNo2, thank you, once again, for not squandering your gift and for so generously sharing it with us. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just to entertain readers. However, when she speaks to one of the kids next to her she reaches out to hold his hand and seems to look him in the face when she speaks. Theoretically, you have a beautiful setup with Jin Sung regarding Soo as his brother, as a part of his family, as the object of his loyalty and on the other side his commitment to his blood-related family and Hee Sun and Boss Kim in the background, pulling evil strings and digging his grave. Native Alaskan worker Lee vanishes without a trace the next morning; the sound of hooves, the same sound which occurred prior to each appearance of the ghostly caribou, is heard. Wang walking back in so easily into OY's life. Isnt it hard when you cant look into the eyes of someone you love? Young asks. And with just an "I'm sorry". The atmosphere of coldness, emptiness, isolation and the resulting paranoia are captured Though I did see the charm the actor brought to the role that was a little too fan-servicey for me. Good to know a little wrist-slitting never hurt anybody. I am just speculating of course, however, that was what went through my mind. this drama reminds me of eating cotton candy, while eating it, it is sweet and seems tangible, but when you are done you realize all that puff was mostly air. Really? Hee-suns alive and living in the countryside with Jin-sung, and Jin-sung effectively scares away a possible suitor by telling him that hes already slept with Hee-sun. Warning: This story contains spoilers from season 5 of New Amsterdam. After a second fatal incident, he convinces Ed to travel with the team to a hospital for examination. The acting wasn't by any means bad either. Nor are the ladies & gentlemen of the castle as aristocratic as they believe they are. Are they still alive? It was really rushed and that's why I think the logic breaks down. I have rated this 1 out of 10, because 0 is not available. Abby stumbles upon the scene and, in an altercation with Dawn, pushes her over a shelf, causing Dawn to fall and break her neck. WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THAT. But she didn't, her vision is only recovering, thus the blurry images. When he is found dead out on the snow the next morning, Hoffman suspects that sour gas (natural gas containing hydrogen sulfide) may have been leaked out as a result of runaway climate change (arctic methane release). I got tired of the cons, of the directing, of the music. Out of all the melos I've seen, this one is definitely the most satisfying. I also think that they wouldn't have shown the "Next Spring" title if it was meant to be a dream or heaven. 4. Over all, I do think rather than a "happy ending" it was more like a "believe what you want" ending. Ivoire, I am late to this but what is it with will-he-die melos of late and their nonsensical endings? I didn't think about it that way when watching the final scene so i believed they both died. Soo holds Jin-sungs face for as long as he can, and the two stare wordlessly at each other until Soo cant hold himself up any longer. I thought Soo died. hahaha, priceless. The painter Soo was completely left off from the first episode. Similarly, in Goodbye Solo, NHK gradually gets you into the head and the heart of each character-- you may not like some of the characters or their actions, but you'll understand where they're coming from. Why did he have to go stab Soo? Just Abby in an open room. I cried like a baby. I Think the drama ended in happy ending. Because more than any other k-drama writer I can think of, NHK is gifted at writing highly relatable, complex characters whom I understand. Soo does all the talking during dinner and even after, until Young cuts him off by telling him to leave once Lawyer Jang comes back. Frankly, I am glad it ended at 16, unlike most dramas these days that stretch the episodes to 20, 24, and even 50, when there is hardly enough plot for 16. so that ending was weird, to say the least. Boss Man turns over Soos cards, revealing that Soo did have a flush, and thus the winning hand. [7] The U.S. cable channel IFC had been supportive of Fessenden's career and often played his films. She finds the Braille letter Soo left her directing her to watch the video. I don't buy that Young is done with her suicidal tendencies, but she seems a lot happier probably because before she was so untrustworthy and felt like everyone was out to kill her anyway, but now she's starting to trust people and she's more at ease. They talked about making Jin-sung betray his friend, but the way they chose to do it didn't make any sense whatsoever. Okay, nothing much to say here that hasn't already been said by all the other good reviewers on here. the last winter ending explained does bill pullman have sciatica/are rangers in financial trouble again 2021 / the last winter ending explained. Awards Kiss symbolizes love and forgiveness. The Last of Us 2's ending is a hard pill to swallow. Well , some missing point that we need to understand OY is not only blind but psychologically is not stable. [11] In describing it as a traditional Gothic horror story, Carina Chocano of the Los Angeles Times wrote that it "accomplishes with a modest budget and a talented cast what bigger, slicker, gorier contemporary horror movies rarely do". but the 'open' ending is so well done, that whenever, however I feel, I could say, ok, Soo is dead or ok, this is a happy ending. The Brattle Film Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit, supported in part by grants from the Cambridge Arts Council and the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. If it was Young's imagination, why did she have to make it so that Soo only shows himself to her after a year? And we see her see the boy's hand and pat it. :(. Jin-sung just kneels there, shaking and sobbing. If they were close enough to a village to fire a flare and for it to be readily seen, why didn't they go over to it? What a sad waste of talent. and it's a year ago so i think the part that had the scar of the brain surgery will not show anymore, it will be covered by hair by now. Now he knows, and knowing is half the battle. Shes happy to have Wang back. Maybe he felt like a cornered mouse or panicked. Some power that be wanted a happy to make viewers happy. It will probably take how many months before the eyesight will go back to normal condition. I assume most have as much insight as I do on the movie, but maybe some of you can try your best to thoroughly explain it to me. WHY WOULD YOU KILL HIM!? I was also wondering, why shouldn't have JS hanged up on HS? The final scene of The Lord of the Tides is a tragic misunderstanding that could shape the fate of Westeros. What did NOT make sense was Jin-sung's betrayal. [6] Funding came from the Icelandic Film Commission and Katapult. So the truck didn't run over everyone? I still think he did die, so im kinda surprise how many people think he lived. Just read and look where Song was interviewed, she also concluded TWTWB was a happy ending story. :). Nevertheless, was a great drama and im plan on re-watching it anytime soon. I also had a hard time with Sec. This leads Abby to open a nearby door, to find a hospital team member hanging still from the ceiling. I guess that is what fake-outs are for). Jin-sung falls to his knees beside his hyung. The ending of The Last of Us is sufficiently simple for anyone looking carefully, yet deeply complex for anyone wishing to delve into the psychological complexity behind Arriving back from headquarters big wig Ron Perlman finds things are beginning to go amiss. It is so illogical and stupid, it is almost a sort of evil in itself. I think then it could be a lot better than with the directors imagination leading nowhere. I thought that you may not like me when you see me. When Young scoffs at this, he asks, Does that mean you like me?. @ jenn, you're right. The white apparitions can be interpreted different ways. Depending on a viewer's experience the way the drama is seen will be different. [12], Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage, "This Is the Way the World Ends: An Interview with The Last Winter Writer-Director Larry Fessenden",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 7 October 2022, at 09:19. Blurry happy ending scenes are so cliche. In the talk show, the guest is an epidemiologist who talks about the history of humanity, which has encountered all kinds of viruses and pandemics. As Wang recites Youngs table setting like the old days, Youngs eyes brim with tears. That night, Maxwell, still partly delirious, strips naked and ventures out with a video camera, intending to document the paranormal phenomena. I still can't figure out how Mr. Kim killing his family meant that he needed to stab Soo. Also, the ladies he played never landed him in jail.). I've never really understood why the concept of environmentalism rubs so many out there the wrong way, especially when it concerns the search for oil. :3, Anyway, if that isn't enough to convince you, in an interview with Song Hye Gyo, she confirmed that it was a happy ending and both characters were alive. Regardless, though, I still can't help but feel lightheaded and drunk from all the prettiness between SHK and JIS in the "1 year later" scenes. We all know that oil is a non-renewable resource. After an epidemic engulfs their town, Joel is forced to flee with Sarah and his brother Tommy. Soo keeps an eye on his watch, knowing time is of the essence. Thank you all, and thank you HeadsNo2 for your recaps. The Last of Us takes place in the year 2023, two decades after a zombie-like fungus destroys human civilization. OMG just tell me the ending of The Last of Us. I mean, there's blunt force trauma, but it's not exactly subtle. On a shallow note, I loved most of OS's wardrobe, especially the orange coat he wore at the beginning of this episode, it looked good on him. But time skips are not a panacea, and its a universal truth I really wish dramaland would accept, especially when the end result isnt anything we couldnt have reached without it. As for suicidal Young, it didn't come as a shock to me. The revelation at the end of The Last of Us Episode 1 suggests that she is somehow immune to the effects of the fungus infection. Just discovered him, and while I do agree he did well in A frozen flower, his movie that I loved him the most is A dirty carnival. if not it's a freaking truck not an attack ninja -- your family can flee so what the hell are you doing?) However, The Last of They're both crazy beautiful, I want to cry!! (Shes implying that people need people, and that they need each other.). The beginning was wonderful, but it definitely lost steam and direction toward the end. But in true drama fashion, we know Soos cards must be the winning ones, and Jin-sung knows as well since Soo just leaves him there. We find Lawyer Jang, Secretary Wang, and even Myung-ho with Young and the kids from the visually-impaired center on an outing, where all the guardians have to wear blindfolds in order to experience a day in the life of the blind. But it could be Minions shady-lookin dude guarding them, which means its a good thing. This drama was beautiful and I no doubt loved it but the ending didn't exactly get stupid, it just never explained itself.. This repeats a number of times until the end and then it really disappoints. Instead he grabs Gangster Wannabes knife by the blade and gives him the smack down, even going so far as to dislocate his would-be murderers shoulder. The sour gas might then be provoking hallucinations and insanity in the group. He acted well but he still not converting me as one of his fans. Also, Jin Sung was actually about to stab Soo a second time, but couldn't bring himself to do it, so he dropped the knife. window.fbAsyncInit = function() { It is the reason why she is such an I can't get over, how everyone just overlooked the fact that the secretary caused her to go BLIND!!! =), We actually see the flowers Hee-sun talked about on the table, so they were for our Soo. Really? I wonder what it will be? The ending was so confusing. At first I thought it was some kind of alternate reality where they both died and created it so they (and us viewers) can come into terms with moving on. Because I could relate to Oh Young's character. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; I cant even. I see. I'm in agreement. It was just the two of them, but in this ending, there were several others. Like you say, she made Young blind! My first reaction to the ending was Soo is dead and all is in Young's head (because I'm a sucker for apparently, the traditional melodrama ending - I've been so out of it, I didn't know open ending or happy ending is an option!). I glossed over a lot of the things a lot of people struggled with eg. First off, where did this apparition come from, is it an illusion created by the fumes from that white box? He tightens the bell bracelet on his wrist in preparation, since its his life on the line. I had watched NG but do not remember how the drama ended but I will remember every details about TWTWB. But hes not there to hear about her family life, and instead asks her to return to Youngs side. Yeah, my first but not fake. It is the reason why she is such an important person to be sent from one side of the country to another by the Fireflies, as she might play a key role in developing a cure for the infection. She doesnt want blindness to haunt Young any longer and cries that shes sorry, which Im guessing is finally an apology for causing her blindness in the first place. This doesn't change the fact though that this show was sooooo purttty. You brought up an interesting point for 1. Good play. Throughout the game, our perception of Ellie shifts somewhat as we begin to empathize more with Abby. "I must not be crazy, it is not all in my head" I thought. I really think they needed another episode to really work the ending right. // Load the SDK asynchronously I'm in dramaland and i want the happy ending of course. As she takes a taxi home, she opens the window to feel the wind. Srsly the ending confused me i wanted to see wt happened next when Soo got staped i mean when he healed and stuff XD hmph oky i was happy that they ended together & happy ending but not like this lol . (And we don't know because we don't see anything alluding to that). When his love hadnt changed one bit, giving her no other assurance than that hed save her from herself if she slit her wrists? Fessenden said, "Ultimately I wanted to show how an individuals worldview affects how he or she deals with reality. That or she'd better return on jtbc. Its a crushingly oppressive movie that should make you feel uneasy. I don't care what others may feel about this drama, but from any dramas so far in 2013, this is the only drama that artistically the best, directed the best and acted the best. (ending) Confused. I do agree that Last Winter was somewhat flawed here and there but overall I was blown away. Really, there are other ways to say you miss someone. I will have to agree to disagree on the ending. In that case then, why stab him in the first place? right. If not, theyll call the cops. Retinitis pigmentosa is not curable a disease. Wang was forgiven so easily. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); The whole premise of this drama was about a woman who wanted to die and a man who wanted to live, so im guessing this outcome makes sense. I wanted to see if, just maybe, the idea was to have Young hit such a low that she reached a moment of pivotal self-realization in order to decide that she wanted to live after all, in a change we could see and understand. Now that was a great ending. I gave it maximum patience for over an hour, than started fast forwarding hoping for a climax that never came. (There were some recaps that got things factually wrong and so of course they didn't make sense.). If not, its a bad thing. But that's really the only thing I wonder. Hmm .. Once again, this site's viewers got it all wrong. I really wanted to completely love this show and I did especially the the first third of the drama but the show just started going downhill for me in the last three episodes. It is also in the mind of the person a VIABLE solution to their problem. According to Gailing, Virgo deifies details. But then Id be asking for realism, and that is not what this show was selling. Yes, the picture at the end was pretty. You got your money, whats wrong with you? TWTWB, with its muted colors, its intensity 24/7 (made even more intense by all of the close-up shots), its one-dimensional side characters like batshit-crazy So Ra, its hard-to-read heroine, and its contrived plot full of holes, made TWTWB feel quite unreal which would've been fine had it come together as an inspired mythic tale. This comes after the violent and unusual deaths of the other crew members. We have to keep in mind you can survive these things and it's not completely out there. window.fbAsyncInit = function() { Am I suppose to just forget all that? I believe that if we are to see the end it wont look anything like weve come to know or expect.
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