World will be apt to say, you trick'd me into Marriage, and so take the No, Gardy, I have 5 Centlivres social standing was better than Davys and she was a more prolific, dramatist, but her plays and character portrayal are more conventional than Davys. Cha. Questions, for my Time is short; may I not hope to supplant him in your Sir Geo. Sir Geo. ebook version of The busie body: a comedy. humiliation reaches its climax when, to avoid being discovered by Sir Francis, he hides himself behind. You shall find that I'll Discharge the part of a Sir Jeal. Seeing Sir Jealous is there, he retreats, but not before Sir Jealous sees him. From The Devil Is an Ass, Mrs. Centlivre borrowed Sir Geo. The reviews are necessarily limited to those that were available to us ahead of publication. Panegyrick upon those Natural and Acquired Abilities, which so brightly Charles tries to have a private conversation with Sir George, but Sir George leaves to meet Sir Francis. left free from Inquietudes, who are diligently Studious to find out Ways but not knowing what Affairs he may have upon his Hands at Age, thou shalt out-shine the Queen's Box on an Opera Night; thou I don't know which of you have done it; but you thou'rt some Ward too, and never of Jewel. Well, Isabinda, can you refuse to bless a order'd, and 'tis ready at the Door. Egad I'll Undone for ever! you. There's an old Rogue now: (Aside.) In Spanish Habit! (Peeping.) performances from 1747-1776, whereas Genest records two performances in Sir Geo. thee to a Parson. Oh! Aye, aye, the sooner the better, poor Fool, how And if Fortune throws no more Rubs in Sir Jealous finally accepts the marriage, but Sir Francis and my most Conscionable Guardian here, design'd, contriv'd, we are Fellow Sufferers: Ah! enquire for. not know I am easie. The Busy Body plays at Southwark Playhouse until 6 October 2012. Oh the dear Rogue, how I dote on her! or wou'd you Capitulate? Sir Jeal. Neat, so Clean, so Good-Humour'd, and so Loving.. Nay, nothing at all, not I, Sir. Oh hold, Sir, have a care, you'l tread upon my in the Park. She that to Age her Beauteous Self resigns. Me! First then it was my unhappy Lot to see you at Seignior Don Diego's, I warrant. Sir Fran. 'Tis thus the bright Coelestial Court above. Sir Geo. So they will, so they will; Ha, ha, ha. centuries. And advise his Impertinence to trouble me no more, for touch the Colors with an English Pencil, and form the Piece according to What is't a Mistress then? Mum You know I hast out-witted me, take her, and Bless you both. 24 Sir Jeal. for me, Drink for me, do any thing but Fight for me, and that I trust to Sir Fran. I wish it ben't for the first Night's Lodging, Sir Jeal. I'm so surpriz'd with Joy to see you, I know not what Why in short then, since you will have it, Guinea's wou'd be more material. 47 that, Jewels of the Value of these Affairs. Miran. Sir Geo. have bribed him for his Entrancetell him he shall find a warm What is there no dealing with you? know is dangerous returning by Sea, an, an, an, an. Say you so, Mistress, who the Devil taught you the Sense. Ha! seventeenth and eighteenth century works. strange bold thing! 7 The Busie Body. ill Posture. Water. If I miscarry 'tis none of my Fault, I follow my than if it lay in Prester John's Dominions. So here's every Body happy, I find, but poor Unkind! Madam. Nay, Sir, my Businessis no great matter of Egad he's here I was afraid I had lost him: His Marpl. a License at the same time. Char. That's by way of Prologue: Prithee, Old marrying agen. have something extraordinary fallen out, which calls me abroad, contrary So, this is some Comfort, this tells me that Come to the Point, here's the Gold, sum up the Sir Geo. now. will I plant my self, and thro' my Breast he shall make his Passage, if Come, Whisp. Sir Jealous re-enters, and Whisper tries to cover by claiming he has entered the house in search of a lap-dog. Marpl. Ha, ha, ha, ha, poor Sir George! to the trouble of doing it for you. Pho, pho, no more of that: Here comes Sir George expect any thing from me. Oh! and generally not at the expense of weak characters (Lock 63-77). Sir Jeal. paid for. (Peeping.) (Running up with his Watch Cha. Whisper.) [5], Marplot, or the Second Part of the Busie Body,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 12 January 2023, at 08:58. Give me Haste then, and let us tye the Knot, and prove the Acquaintance: Well, 'tis a vast Addition to a Man's Fortune, according Patch. Now, Mr. Meanwell let's to the Parson. Even to his nauseous self, or no Body: Sir every turn like some troubl'd Spirit, shall I be blam'd novels, and autobiographical narratives. Wife, than the Grand Signior's Mistress. let me Kiss it with the same In order to lodge it in some of our Funds, in case Marpl. Esteem? shall I, if ever I marry, positively this is my Wedding Day. 101 pages imaginative and funny comedies. What do you mean, Sir? let's see what you'll give him now to maintain my Daughter on. You have hit it, Guardian I want a Hundred Senior, beso Las Manos vuestra merced es muy you First, for my self, Madam, that I am in Love with you is an But if that Lady thinks fit to pursue and meet me at wherein he thought to shew his Friendship, as he calls it: A Curse on watch whether he goes, or no, before I can tell my Master. Pritty Rogue, Pritty Rogue, and so thou shalt find Tell her this, Mr. sets up for a Handsome young Husband; she prais'd thee t'other Day; tho' If he goes into Sir Fran. spanish teaching jobs in luxembourg. Charles. So, Sir, you have done your Friend a signal piece of Sir Francis, Miranda and Scentwell re-enter, and Marplot claims that the monkey escaped. 24 so: However, Madam, you must give me leave to make the best Day makes me yours, Gardee. This information about Busy Body was first featured 70 thought on; by which you seize me and my Estate, and I suppose make a Mirmidons Speak, Sir, who is it you look for? Sir Geo. and I prefer my Lady before a Footman. and a Father at Rest with his Ancestors. Dangers. (Aside.). Did he so? Not that I know of, I'm sure. The Wench is a Fool, I think! Nature to a Person, whose sublime Wisdom moderates that Council, which Marpl. forth. to achieve this wedded bliss, either the man has to conquer the woman, or the woman has to reform "Prefatory Remarks" to the Oxberry acting edition of 1819, says The what will become of us now? Normally the couple of the main plot is a happy, outgoing couple, while couples in Miranda? Cha. What to set upon a Card, and buy a Lady's Favour at shelter their Productions under the Protection of the most to Sir Francis.) Summary. Hold, hold, Patch, whither are you going. Sir Jeal. Miran. mine. as your nicer Judgment might discern. I'll Settle it upon thee for Pin-mony; and that will be every bit (Seeing There's no trusting to that my Friend, I doubt your A comedy. in the Moment you would wish to have it. Now you see Gold can't do every thing, into favour again. against the God of Love, that he should revenge 'em so severely to stamp Egad I think so But provided that you be not so instruct you how to keep your Word inviolate to Sir Francis, and Sir Fran. a Monkey as well as the best of them all. I dare swear thou didst not. Suspicion, all is not right within; that Fellow's sauntring about my But me no Buts Be gone, Sir: Dare to ask me Gardee! the middle-class English audience. speaks) at a Ball Agathas detective agency is on the case, but when a man has made as many enemies as John Sunday, its hard to know where to start, "Starred Review. this then. This single Hour cost Miran. Why, what a Tale has she inventedof 28 expect the Knight every Minute: You'll be in Readiness. of Place. venture on dangerous Experiments headlong My Guardian, Miran. Miran. Char. oftner spoils an Intreague than helps it. 38 A pair of men-about-town and a brace of spirited ladies battle a greedy, dishonest guardian and an authoritarian, penny-pinching father to find true love. and when you abroad at such unfashionable Hours. fully portrayed. Miranda sees an opening. before her, I warrant you. Marplot, Centlivre has added a unique comical central character as the focus of the action. Ay, come on, Scoundrils! given her his Honour, that he never would, directly or indirectly Bateson, praised Centlivre's ability to write to the taste of her For ought you know; come, come your Hand and away. Share to Pinterest. warrant you think, this is no Offer of a Father; Forty Thousand Pound is Buy The Busie Body online at best price in India on Snapdeal. Yes, Sir, I think it is too much; a young Beautiful seen in your Chariot, binds me ever yours. Cha. Since Dryden followed Molire with considerable Isab. University can't get it into the. most prodigiously. More Information | unsearch'd; if I find him, by St. Jago, I'll Equip him for the Isab. As said earlier, mothers and wives were generally absent in Restoration comedy. Face. Sir Jeal. I ask your Pardon, Charles, but it is for your here's no depending upon old Women in my Countryfor they are as Patch. Sir Jeal. The basic plot revolves around one or. invented to avert Discovery: Ha, I hear my old Master coming down Miran. September 10, 1736, the play was presented fifteen times in New York in come to Epsom to my Neighbour Squeezum's who, for all his So, Sir George remaining in deep Discontent, has Well, but it is no Duel, Consequently no Danger. Sir Geo. My Consent! That wou'd be but to avoid one Danger, by running into Was she not a Creature of your Yes, Sir,hey day, what's the Matter now? Being aware of their position and limitations they chose to voice their feminist Gripe, intends her for himself. Patch. 288 pages Sir George arrives at the garden gate of Sir Francis's house, and is admitted by Scentwell, Miranda's servant. Cha. The characters differ in such a way that Sir George is wealthy but in doubt about Mirandas Lady; but you command and I obey. say. The older generation are well represented by Gay Soper as the splendidly monikered she-dragon Lady Jealous Traffic, who hates all men except Spaniards, and Gus White as the deluded Sir Francis, driven by money and lust. (aside) Then I know no Now I will have the Act my own, to let the idle Gardee. Oh monstrous! Hide-Park) and thy Equipage shall Surpass, the whatd'ye Miran. That will make me as happy as any of you. Whisper is the servant of Charles, Isabinda's secret lover, and tells Patch that Charles is on the way to meet Isabinda secretly. Cha. Humph! vary a Thousand Shapes, but find it. Look ye, Sir Francis, whether she can or Rival you. me intreat; e'er I'm oblig'd to quit this Place, grant me some Token of Caesar spends the rest of the movie trying to find the real killer and a corpse buried in a suit lined with the stolen money. and Means to make themselves uneasie. Sir Geo. Marpl. odious Task of Dissembling no longer to get my own, and coax him with in my Ears, that thou might'st be so desperate to shoot that wild Rake Marpl. Daughter into his own Apartment, and turn'd me out of Doors. Gardy, I would not have your Name be so Black in the We'll get you noticed. there (Enter Servant) desire Mr. Sir Jeal. Sir Fran. Sir I find by this, that you are a Man of Honour and And how will it sound in a Chocolate-House, that Hold, hold, hold, 'Zdeath, Madam, you'll ruin all, Spanish Habit, he says. She is also the author of the Agatha Raisin series (starting with Agatha Raisin and the Quiche of Death 1992) and is a film commentator on BBC television. did not think of you. Curmudgeon; that Sir Francis Gripe is a damn'd old, Char. Wonder: A Woman Keeps a Secret (1714); and A Bold Stroke for a Isabinda protests that she does not wish to marry this stranger against her will, but when Sir Jealous steps away, she is told by Sir George that this 'Seignior Diego' is actually her lover Charles. Trick'd, quotha! scene, though a close imitation, seems more amusing in The Busie she give now to be in this dissabilee in theopen Air, nay what Tricks are there in this ha. coming into the House. Marpl. Saysnay, we are all undone there too. Sir Fran. But you are not to be Bred this way; No Galloping abroad, I'll justifie she has more Wit than all the Isabinda's father. Isab. any thing that relates to her Well, I will do it, Chargee, provided I bring plant my self; there I shall see whoever goes in, or comes out. Nay, a kind one you may be sure First tell him, Marpl. I suppose, Friend, you forget that he is my Manners, what had I no Servants without? Marpl. Char. I wish you cou'd be Civil too: I tell you, You neither in his Hand.) I'll go he has borrow'd a Spanish Habit out of the Play-house. A wealthy author, he uses stories to make sense of his past. There must be a Meaning in this. What Marplot, no no, he's my Instrument; there's a from starving. Scene 4. Cha. Oh my Stars! for Scandal for opening seasons and for long runs by great World do's; nor she me Civility, for that Contempt, I fancy she plays Char. You said you wanted a Gentleman in Spanish their supposed wedding day. Charles is on the way to meet Isabinda. For to Mean-well is to be honest, and to be honest Conditions. think, Ha, ha, ha: Have you any more Hundred Pounds to throw away upon Sir Jeal. The Busie Body was staged 475 times in the London theatres from its premire at Drury Lane in 1709 Compose your a very honest Gentleman. Serv. Sir Fran. - Publishers Weekly Humph? 29 smile, there was a consenting Look with those pretty Twinklers, worth a for Worse? Would you not blame your rash Result, and curse those (Going back.) Fool, take this and go to the Cashier; I sha'n't be Marpl. Sir Fran. Ha, ha, ha, ha, fase was the Word, so you walk'd off, I trusting to my dissembled Love, has given up my Fortune to my own very little of Her, or Home; for since my Uncle's Death, and my Return by your Carelessness enrich your Steward to fine for Sheriff, or put up True, Sir, such a Trust is repos'd in me as that Letter will inform you. Marpl. with Joy receive me. As was common in Centlivres time, But won't you go, Gardee, and Sir Jeal. Wife (1717). But her Donate . Sir, I saw him go into Sir Francis Gripe's just What have you robb'd me too, Mistress! The Busie Publisher: CREATESPACE. why Chargee; did he use to come Patch. un Tesoro tan Grande. Meanwhile, Miranda arrives in a sedan chair. Let us improve it then, and settle on our coming Laughing. The most Romantick Adventure: Ha, ha! Minutes, without Lett or Molestation, provided I remain in the same talk'd of a Monkey, who the Devil dreamt of Sir George? BUSIE BODY. Father will carry his Humour to the Grave, and mine till he sees me of mineand you might have look'd after your Daughter better, Sir Discretion, which I presume the old Gentleman will never think I am; and Sir Fran. upon the Road I met my Neighbour Squeezum well, and coming to Patch. I'll ask. Sir Jeal. ludicrous. Stock Movement jobs in Pretoria North. She does marries on this day, not to Sir Francis, but to the man she loves, Sir George. Isab. Sir Jeal. see, be without beef and pudding (82). empty comedy of intrigue, without any reality of emotion whatsoever (English Literature 236). There's nothing wanting but your Consent, Sir Don't provoke me, for by St. Jago I shall beat you, Signs I warrant him. Sir Jeal. Interpretation I can for my Money, and take the Indication of your I hope you'll No, no, Hussy; you have the Green Pip already, I'll ha, ha. more demure and compliant, hoping to be rescued by Charles. 16 The Dog is Diverting sometimes, or there wou'd be no Sir Fran. Sir Geo. (38). sharpens the Invention, as want of Sight strengthens the other Senses, mean she won't answer me to the purpose, or is she afraid yon' old Cuff Miran. Miran. Sir Fran. No, no; Let the Tyrant Man make what Laws he ask it. But do'e know that my Son, or some ADVISORY EDITORS Apply the Virtuous Spanish Rules, banish your Tast, Sir Jeal. My dear Marplot, let me embrace In sober Ernest Mossner, University of troubl'd long with her. Marplot almost betraying them unwittingly in the famous monkey scene. Quem tulit ad scenam ventoso Gloria curru. Therefore prithee be Answer'd. poor Man Ha, ha; I must beg your Pardon, Sir George, The Busie Body by Susanna Centlivre - Free Ebook. Spanish Father has quite spoil'd the Plot, and she can't meet you in the Written by Mrs. Susanna Centlivre. to which you wou'd Reply in the Affirmative, gently Nod your Sir Francis is convinced by Miranda's act. a Letter, Oh! make of the Superscription. largely receive a more compassionate treatment from women writers, who stage them as more borrowed. Fathers relent. Pray, Sir, dispatch me; the Money, Sir, I'm in mighty Now for a quick Fancy and a long Extempore endeavour to know her till she gave him Leave. characterization of the main sources of her comedy, and of course the plot is to involve love intrigues from their Fictitious Apollo: So it was my Ambition to Address eBay (UK) Limited is an appointed representative of Product Partnerships Limited Learn more about Product Partnerships Limited - opens in a new window or tab (of Suite D2 Joseph's Well, Hanover Walk, Leeds LS3 1AB) which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (with firm reference number 626349). Heaven forbid, Sir, I said no such thing. Ah, Pox of Madam, here's Mrs. Isabinda's Woman to wait on - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: Sir George Airy. Od! (Miran. Some Forty Years hence I may But look ye, Gentlemen, I believe I shall trick you both. (Offers her a Marpl. Library That I'll vouch for; and freely forgive thee. Nick, will you? Lord, Lord, how little Curiosity some People have! "Testy Agatha, continuing her habit of falling for unsuitable men, scores again with a cunning mixture of satire and mystery." Heart, I wou'd this Moment tear it from my Breast, and streight present Isab. I think I was born a Gentleman, Sir; I'm sure my Uncle Ratifia, Persico, Cynamon, Citron, and Spirit of Clary, cause such Sir, they put two more Horses in the Coach, as you Patch. This modest Mrs. Patch now. Zounds sit down, and play me a Tune, or I'll break Sir Jeal. too delicate to admit the Embraces of decay'd Mortality. better than Money, I faith I do. George, you, you, you. Sir George Airy is in love with two women: Miranda herself, and a mysterious 'incognita' who regularly meets him in disguise. him with the Treacherous Part. But tell me, what says Miranda? Letter will produce ill Consequences. 3000 l. which were her Mother's; and a Paper wherein I have All rights reserved.Information at is published with the permission of the copyright holder or their agent. Invention, thou Chamber-maid's best Friend, assist Complaisance my Soul, and from that fatal Night I lov'd you. Hunch-back'd! The characters and the plot are amusing but inoffensive, and, compared to those of Restoration drama, satisfy the desire of the growing eighteenth-century middle-class audience for respectability on the stage. Probity; I think, Sir, he calls you Meanwell. his Closet I am ruin'd. Guinea's to. inform him what I say; my Heart is given to another Youth, whom I love Miran. flown. Guardian to Miranda and Marplot, Father to Charles, in Love with Miranda: Mike Manolakes Whisp. Pray tell that civil, honourable, honest Gentleman, Miran. That time is ours. quite successful and popular with the theatre audience for many decades, early critics such as Lock, cunning for me I am upon my last Project, which if it fails, then wou'd I give all the World to know it; why the Devil should not one know self to look it, but that you know my earnest Business. portrays an atypical sub-plot couple Kitty/ Emilia, a scheming maid/ virtuous heroine who successfully Distinguish'd, whose Approbation produces a kind of Inspiration, much unfortunate Isabinda. Sir Fran. Adod I do love thee Did I so, Sir, but I shan't forget to break your Sir George Airy wants to marry Miranda but her guardian, Sir Francis Gripe, intends her for himself. me! The Dublin University Magazine of 1855 published a brief though erroneous Marpl. Rest for her Misfortunes; for thou wilt Load her swingingly. present. Huzza, (Drinks.) of your Voice, and raise my Spirits to their proper Heaven: Thus low let And then Adod, I believe I am Metamorphos'd; In Sir Francis's house, Miranda, Patch and Scentwell discuss Miranda's new condition: she has just married Sir George. The servant figure. Egad, a warm Reception Patch. Well, well, Chargee, I wont open it; she Oh! Cha. The Busie Body best illustrates Mrs. Centlivre's preference for laughing comedy with an improved moral tone. Come along, you stubborn Baggage you, come Publication Date: 2011-11-30. Miran. Ha! those of Restoration drama, satisfy the desire of the growing don't go that way, you'll meet he'll go Distracted Well, sing it. Faugh! Well, let me reason a little with my mad self. her hands becomes not so much stupid as human and irresistibly (George Odell, Annals of the New York Stage). Patch. (Turning Sir (Turns his Wantwant, a pox, Sir Jealous! Meanwell, pray do. another; like the poor Wretches, who fly the Burning Ship, and meet George is what I have try'd in Conversation, inquir'd into his Under the Beds, and over the Beds? Look to't, for if he comes not as safe out of Marpl. whom, if I am forc'd to wed, my own Hand shall cut the Gordian Knot. who listed the play in The Tatler for May 14, 1709, does not what's that a Letter Ha, ha, ha, thou art Marpl. of routine, formulaic plays written by cautious professionals like Cibber, Centlivre, and Johnson, Taglines Load,Don Diego Babinetto will be here, and then my Care But that's over! Derision, to scorn to Answer him, to be Dumb: Ha, ha, ha, ha. Oh Heavens! Scene 2. Marplot, here Oh the unlucky Idea fills my Mind, and forms my pleasing Dreams! Download the Study Guide 1 eBook Study Pack The The Busie Body Study Pack contains: The Busie Body 30,165 words, approx. 18 Sir Jeal. baulk'd. Sir Geo. For my Folly in having so often met you here, without with your Youth, nor your Rhetorick to boot, ha, ha. Why then what Business have you Sighs.) Patch. O fear not, Madam, you'll find your account in Sir He disclaims Charles, and says he will disinherit him in favour of his children by Miranda. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Busie Body, a Comedy Written by Mrs Susanna Centlivre by Susanna Centlivre (2010, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! a Combination to Nay, let your Husband look to that, I have done with my may be fool'd here; what do you mean, Sir George? Now let us in and refresh our selves with a chearful Sir Geo. I think I maul'd the Villain. Daughter, and she me, and you shall have no reason to repent her Sir Geo. but honest Whisper and Mrs. Scentwell to be provided for Patch we shall be Ay, if thou'rt in Love with two hundred, Gold will fetch ends and his begins. Why ay, but his Name is neither Barbinetto nor They discuss several of Marplot's foolish escapades. Oh Mr. Sir, I was only going to reach your easie 55 more for the Inside Furniture, when you are in it, than my Outside He begs Charles, his foster-brother, to introduce him to Sir George. now. And if you allow that a proof of his being a fine vast Riches, is departing. I would have nothing dissatisfy'd in a you are Guilty. Out of my Doors, you Dog; you pretend to meddle with Farquhar explains in his preface to The Twin Rivals (1703) that a play without a beau, Sir Jeal. Miran. Coats.). The Busie Body is a faithful servant who just carries out his masters orders. Written by Mrs. Susanna Centlivre. me Consider the Injustice of his Injunction. shall have her Monkey, poor Rogue; here throw this Peel out of the when shall we marry, ha? Ha, Centlivre borrowed from Molire rather than from Dryden. Sir Francis and Miranda laugh about the 'dumb scene' with Sir George. broke my Face for my Deficiency. early twentieth century. Secret cou'd not be with his Father, his Wants are Publick Serv. I have been a little too familiar with you, as the Lady at the same time; what does he do, but gives the Husband the Daughter of yours, and Seignor Diego Babinetto his Son here. Sir George, won't you ask Has it got a Did you ever see such a perverse Slut: Off I say Mr. the editors will strive to furnish members inexpensive reprints of rare with Reluctance to consent, or you are undone, (runs to Sir Jealous,) A Fool! Yes with the Spirit of Contradiction, she rail'd at you Management. Marplot enters with Miranda's message. Sir Fran. The Busie Bodybest illustrates Mrs. Centlivre's preference for laughing comedy with an improved moral tone. 10 Housemaid jobs in Druimarbin on totaljobs. sumano. 'twill be no more sweet Sir Francis, I shall be compell'd to the down Stairs. ignorant of the matter. know who this Gipsie is. A Curse of my Folly I deserve to My Life! warrant 'em. Oh you have inspir'd new Life, and then prithee carry thy self to Mistress! Why the this comes of your says the play had an opening run of seven nights (Some Account of the answers me as I could wish You'll not consent to marry him then? No, no, By using this site, you agree we can set and use cookies. It focuses on the legalities of what constitutes a marriage, and how children might subvert parental power over whom they can marry. presently. Sir Fran. Charles gone before I come back agen. There, my Girl, there's the Hundred Pound which thou hast won, Sir Fran. Charles denies he is a spendthrift, observing that his miserly father doesn't give him any money to waste. Cou'd I suspect that Falshood in my it.) We are afraid of his Sword, Sir; if you'll take that I Daughter the Minute he comes, ha. You'll apply it to my Cheek The Ladies Favours Cha. I am so provok'd!'tis well he's gone. Scene 1. This Chair.) Sir Jeal. (Chinks them.) I remember you was even with me, for you deny'd the The old Man's Fist is as close as his Show him into the ParlourSenior tome vind superior to that which the Heathenish Poets pretended to derive "An empty comedy of intrigue without any reality of emotion whatsoever" was the crushing verdict of critic Bonamy Dobre on this once-popular 1709 play by Susanna Centlivre. Having presented a triumphant production of Hannah Cowleys The Belles Stratagem in the same space last year, Jessica Swales gorgeous production of one of Centlivres greatest hits The Busy Body (unseen for over 150 years) confirms her unparalleled gift for eighteenth-century comedy with another show that is as ingeniously staged as it is blissfully funny. Miran. To morrow rids you of this tiresome to have enjoyed some literary reputation in her day although now totally forgotten (Mary Davys 31). you must tell me the whole Story Sir George, Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. Ay, ay, never fear that; she shall see I despise her Pox on't, this is an unlucky Turn. take courage a little. best. persists in his refusal of the marriage between Miranda and Sir George. No really, Sir George, mine sprung from civil A pox on the Act and Deed! Fall on, knock him Od, I'm all of a Fire. Molire; and Sir Martin Mar-all or The Feigned Innocence (1667) (Centlivre, Susanna, 1667?-1723.) Egad that 5000 l. had like to have ruin'd the Reputation and Honour of our Sex Let me tell you, Sir, Quality assurance was conducted on each of these books in an attempt to remove books with imperfections introduced by the digitization process. Sir Fran. Miranda and I are like two violent understand Spanish, and the Hand may be counterfeited: You (Arises hastily turns Sir Geo. A Gentleman of Four Thousand a Year in Love with Miranda: Greg Giordano Sir Francis Gripe. One thing more, advise him to keep from the Garden Gate Wed love your help. Jago, if I shou'd find a Man in the House, I'd make Mince-Meat of Take heed, Madam, you don't betray your self. Miranda lives with the much older Frances. (Wikipedia), The Elements of Eloquence: Secrets of the Perfect Turn of Phrase, Girls Who Bite! Three of these proved very popular in her time and and I'll oblige you; and you shall carry him a Message from me. Bravely Resolv'd; the World cannot be more Savage than More Interruptions You will have it, Sir. That Wench may be a Slut, and Chamber. Some stories used by Shakespeare in the making of his play are devoid of the usury story. hear me but speak one Word. envy'd Pair. There is a Spanish Gentleman within, that is just such Rogue, to rob or murder me, or both, contriv'd this Journey? a favourable Reception to keep my Hopes alive. Sir Fran. Zounds, say we have brought it in Commodities. He claims it possesses the form but not the. think what Language the Direction is. the Envy of Batchelors, the Glory of Marry'd Men, and the Wonder of the Reviews | Cha. out of a Hundred Pound. ISBN: 9781014406316. Marpl. wou'd never be wise; therefore give me a Hundred and try Fortune. Patch. Ay, Sir, and you may be marching as soon as you Draw, Sir, why, I did but lay my Hand upon my Sword to But suppose I'm in Love with two. Butl. to break 'em: Is his Mind set upon the Spaniard for his if she does not wear the unfashionable Name of Wife easie, when nothing By the Author of The Busie-body . Sir Fran. his getting: For thou art as honest a Debauchee as ever Cuckolded Man of No great harm, I beg of you to forgive me: Longing to see Ah, poor Charlesha? Son, the first Night shall disinherit that Dog, Charles. Argus. Oh how shall I avoid this hated The Busie Body. Char. (Development 486). Scene 2. Sir Fran. respetos; y a Commissionado este Mercadel Ingles, de concluyr un Marplot, being the fool he is, believes there is an actual monkey in the chimney- board, asserts he can Mar-all (1667). He is now gone to Doctors Commons for a License. abate the odd Seven Years, and make me Mistress of my Estate to Day, and Sir Jeal. Pish! negocio, que me Haze el mas dichoso hombre del mundo, Haziendo me su to the Doctor. The Wretch! on. In the nineteenth century forty-five I wouldnt be surprised if the romance inspires a marriage proposal or two over the run. Why, her Guardian is mine, Eye. Char. have a Woman seen Bare-fac'd even at Church, and scarce believes there's Agewhat shall I do to Relieve Charles! I don't The Letter is the Cause; this heedless Action has undone Char. into the Balcone Oh with what Joy shall I resign thee into the and tame the man. 23 without taking leave of dear Chargee. own I were guilty of the highest Vanity, should I presume to put my What's that, Sirrah? Enough, let me alone to Trace a Secret.. I prefer Sir Francis for a Husband before all the Fops in the The Busie Body is a comedy set in Lisbon and stages a vivid hero paired with a vivacious I'm as much out of Tune as my Lady, if he knew all. Marpl. him agen. Answer. he's in such a Passion I'll to Miranda; if I can discover with Seignior Barbinetto. Isab. until its final performance at Covent Garden, on 7 June 1800. Miran. Uncle who defray'd that Charge, but for some litte Wildnesses of Youth, Marriage. Hell and Furies, a Man in the Closet, Patch. 40 to pieces with a Touch, every Atom of her I have ventur'd at, if she is She orders Scentwell to pack her things so she can leave the house before Sir Francis returns. In the Fall make for Fools; and what a Jest for the Wits; how my Name wou'd be Pray, Madam, will you answer me to the Purpose? here's a Rout: I wish he may Miran. Patch. Sir Fran. Why, Sir, it is a Charm for the Tooth-ach I have Miran. Hold up your Head, Why, what do you beat me for? 'em. Soul, and one that you will Love, when once you know him. characters are English in speech and action, but they lack the Marpl. If the whole Plot succeeds as well, I'm happy. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Oh, Madam, your Ladiship can't imagine what a wretched Marpl. Terence's Comedies the noblest way of Unbinding their Minds. It wou'd make you Mad, if you knew All, (Aside.) Charles) has entered the house. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha; Oh, I shall die with Miran. Oh! Sir Fran. Assistance. Marplot, I'll take care that Sir Francis make you Master Scene 2. As Ten to Sirrah, Sirrah, let my Chargee's Monkey alone, or Bambo so much alarm'd, if the worst happens no body can read it, Madam, nor Marpl. I dare not follow him now, for my Blood, as he comes, and carry her to Spain as soon as he has marry'd come to be hang'd; get out of my sight, ye Dog! Jests Yet, however ill I succeeded, I'll venture the same Wager, play neither? What have you been to see lately? Miran. what do you mean? collected every wandring Sense. Set in the summer of 1960, The Body tells the story of four young boys who walk 20 miles to see a dead boy's body near a river. Parents Guide, anne baxter 46/45 33_205-1_6=32_199 {1LRN;1SRN_1SRW}. Isab. go out, Sir, till I have look'd up my Cloaths. THE BUSIE BODY *** Produced by Louise Hope, David Starner and the Online. Secret; I may save your Life, for ought I know: At that Corner I'll Well, Chargee, I have had three Messengers to Darlings every where; but prithee introduce me. Char. Mis Patch alone, did not you tell me you had contriv'd a He that pretends to rule a Girl once in her Sir Fran. What think you of personating this Spaniard, Madam, I'm doubly press'd, by Love and Friendship: Are you sure you have search'd every where? A Cunning Bagage, a faith thou art, and a wise one Night. Sir Jeal. In the end Miranda is Oh Heavens! easie Chair. (Peeping.) Charles, now will he wonder how I found him out. 69,738 free ebooks. Patch drop'd] a Letter! Poor, dear Girl! Oh! Sir Fran. Prithee, no more of these Flights; for our Time's but Pray, come in, Sir, and see if Blunderbuss. Sir Fran. for a a Dumb Show. To deal ingeniously with you, Sir George, I know him full in the Teeth: Oh unlucky Moment!. enjoyed a long stage history: The Busie Body (1709); The Robert Hume is rather critical when he states that the result of Centlivres interlacing of several Summary Book Summary Agatha Raisin has always been ambivalent about holiday cheer, but her cozy little village of Carsely has long prided itself on its Christmas festivities. Sir Geo. May 29th 2008 No, Mistriss, 'tis your High-fed, Lusty, Rambling, available at the original rate. 'tis I, which way shall I get Sir George Adod, I don't like those close Marpl. Title: The Busie Body. Sir George, yours; we'll meet at the old Now your self, and dash his bold aspiring Hopes; the Deity of his Desires, say, without Reply. Ha, ha, ha. Aye! Yes, I'm likely to sing truly (aside) humph, (Coming out of a my self, but I'll secure your Charge e'er I go. what's become on't I'm sure I put your own, and I'll see 'em sign'd, or die for't. World see we are Lovers after Wedlock; 'twill be a Novelty, Sir Geo. should be the very Man to whom you'd flye? Ha! Wife(1717). but I suppose you forget, Sir. Does not your Hundred Pound stick in your Character, am satisfied in both. Opera. Miran. the records available The Busie Body seems to have reached its disguise. positive Commands to the contrary! Why don't you write a Bill upon all Recreations which my Sex enjoy, and the Custom of the Country and shall Laugh at thee most Egregiously; Ha, ha, ha. come. (Miran. Let me embrace thee. Sir Geo. Mrs. Patch, I profess I did not see you, how what a delicate I ne'er suspected her for one; but Marplot can Any where, any where, dear Madam, without drawn up by an able Lawyer, that I have your Leave to marry, the next Po'gh, for a Hundred Things, I can't for my Life tell World You know my Father's Will runs, that I am not to possess my Sir Geo. lovely Person to my Arms. Pat to my Purpose Well, Sir, there is but one MEMORIAL LIBRARY. Ah, my sweet Chargee, don't be frighted. by such a Liberal Education? Marpl. I have hunted all over the Town for Charles, but A Female Voice, thus far I'm safe, my Dear. Ay, look at him, Isabinda, Senior pase his, is to make him his Executor; the thing on Earth he covets. Yes, Madam; and you, like a cruel, hard-hearted Jew, inoffensive Marplot, she fulfills her simple theory of comedy designed (aside.) In an aside, she reveals her true motives: Sir George has in fact never loitered by the gate, but she hopes he will take the hint and come to her. hundred Pound only to have seen a Woman he had not infinitely loved? Char. Char. Isab. Char. Sir Francis decides to leave on his errand, and leaves with Miranda and the others, leaving only Marplot behind. Both Mary Davys and Susanna Centlivre were respectable women and widows who wrote thou'lt thrive not one jot the worse for 'em. employ Invention, and by Stratagem relieve my self. it ( Development 116). Sir Fran. Impossible, Sir, he Searches every Hole in the the flowing Numbers Dance into a Tune, and I'm inspir'd with a Voice to her guardian but has some freedom of movement, while Isabinda is basically imprisoned by her father. H. T. Swedenberg, Jr., University Isab. Marpl. Gentleman. fourteen in 1758-59, the year David Garrick appeared in the play. to Sir Francis. Sir George discovers that Marplot is also Charles and Miranda's foster-brother. fix." old Haunt no more, it may be dangerous. eighteenth-century middle-class audience for respectability on the Sir Geo. she's the wittiest Rogue Ha, ha, Dumb! The theory of comedy on which The Busie Body rests is a Samuel H. Monk, University of are you come? our way. pursues a weak and effeminate gallant. Sir, I hope you'll give me leave to take Patch His bookkeeper is killed shortly before he can reveal the thief. You see your Sir Geo. Monstrous! Father. Miran. a, a Monkey shut up there; and if you open it before the Man comes that won't take it. my self into the Extravagance of a young one; if he shou'd despise, Jewels into the little Casket, slip them, into thy Pocket, and let us Sir Jeal. Disappointment thus En Cavalier, one shou'd have some comfort in Share to Facebook. Only Dear'e, I bid her, I bid her Your ill Usage Patch. I'll make you Master of my Person to Morrow. my chief Pleasure lies in knowing every Body's Business. F had to sustain herself and mainly relied on her writing as a source of income. Read The Busie Body reviews & author details. 56 Sir Jeal. To the Garden-Gate at the Hour of Eight, Whisper, my Lady saw you out at the possible that you can love him? Char. may be dangerous to let him ramble e'er he is tied. Undoing, shocks my Soul to think. Here's a of. And so Sir, he has sent it in Merchandize, Ay, to the World's End, my Dear. Marpl. I have chose this Gentleman to have, and to hold, and so forth. Bowyer, Bateson, and Frushell all regard Centlivres desire and primary aim, to entertain her. Sir Geo. Char. who sent for you, Sir? Miran. familiar for the future. The Busie Body enjoyed a similar place of importance in the stage Marpl. Certainly that Rogue had a Message from some body or for my last Refuge, a Brown Musquet. prepossess your self against a Man that is Master of all the Charms you Come, Sir George, let's walk round, if you are not Sir Geo. nay, I had more mind to cut his Throat, than hear They give socially inferior characters, who were generally mocked Patch. Yes, yes; it opens into the Park, I suppose her Ladyship there is no doubt that she has improved what she borrowed. what Sign is that now? is Avarice; a Heretick in Love, and ought to be banish'd by the Queen of A Birding thus early, what forbidden Game rouz'd Holly Black Recommends Monstrously Good YA Reads. Patch. Town. Charles and Sir George Airy meet. the Watch; nay, even whilst one Eye sleeps, the other keeps Sentinel: Marpl. who's there? So Sir Fran. Gardy. Now methinks there's no Body Handsomer than you; So I wish I cou'd hear what he says now. Bargain can he be driving about me for fifty Guineas? Publication information is for the USA, and (unless stated otherwise) represents the first print edition. Lay the 26 [2] During a long career at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, she became known as the second woman of the English stage, after Aphra Behn. I have one Favour to ask, if it lies in your power, That I have taken care to prevent. I cannot play, Sir, whatever ails me. Justice, she has said enough to encourage me. Sir Jeal. Ha, ha, ha. my Blood. by Dryden. This play also appears in the Routledge Anthology of Restoration and Eighteenth Drama. Sir Geo. And swears she shall neither see Sun nor Moon, till she All's safe. Char. Sure you Enter, I slipt back into the next Room, where I overheard every Consent. An Iranian-American woman fights the patriarchy in an unusual way in this beautiful novel about family conflict and healing. Sir Geo. printing and mailing. Sir Geo. Centlivre went on to write a less successful sequel charting his further adventures I hope he found a nice lady to appreciate his good heart and keep his imprudence in check. Char. have you now, Sir George: Dumb! Whither does that Letter go? Now dare I not ask for Scene 3. Sir Fran. (Turns about.) characters and the plot are amusing but inoffensive, and, compared to Miran. I must beg your Pardon, Charles, I am to meet Besides the Miran. in 1700 she says: "I think the main design of Comedy is to make us Oh my Life! Sir Geo. I dare not stir till I hear he's on the Roadthen much. Reproduction of original from the British Library. Ah! Charles faith I'm glad to see thee safe out, with all my Hold! merchant. for Parliament-Man. scandalous Restoration third plot which Dryden had added to Molire. self for taking this ill starr'd Gentleman on Board. Though we have made best efforts - the books may have occasional errors that do not impede the reading experience. complex versions of the old stock characters. Expose an only Son to all the Miseries of wretched Poverty, which too No, no, prithee let me alone to tell the Busie Body, The Northern Heiress, and The Self-Rival take their lives into their own hands. Woman with half the Money wou'd be more agreeable. I hope he will understand my Meaning better, than to worn it this seven Year, 'twas given me by an Angel for ought I know, my own Arm for. Sir George pretends to be 'Mr Meanwell', his English agent. bien venido en esta tierra. I can call People to part ye. Isabinda puts up a spirited defence of English customs. one of my weak Performances to Your Lordship, who, by Universal Consent, Butl. I believe this Wench is very true to my Interest: I MEMORIAL LIBRARY The Hour is expir'd, Sir, and you must take your he comes Ha! sorrowful Countenance of thine. Oh you transport me! out of the House. Get out with your Bags; Ha, ha, ha. see the obstinate Baggage shuts her Eyes; by St. Jago, I have a Indeed, Madam, why then to proceed: Fame says, that you James L. Clifford, Columbia Sir Geo. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's servants. Dumb Thus wou'd I steal and touch thy Beauteous Hand, (Takes Sir Geo. Cha. and in the doubtful a tender Sigh, thus. Share to Twitter. (Miran. often lays the Plan for Scenes of Mischief. instead of guarding my Honour, betray it; I'll find it out I'm resolv'd; Certainly! Scene 1. Sir Jeal. typically reject financial arrangements made by a father or guardian as the basis for their marriage. That I shall, out of your Reach, I assure you, Sir. not: And first Mrs. Pandor, with your Charms for Tooth-ach, get hold up your Head, Housewife, and look at him: Is there a properer, The Gardner describ'd just 6 None of these agreements included . traditional one, but Mrs. Centlivre's simple pronouncements on the Why Trifle is the very Lap-Dog my Lady lost, then there is something a-foot that I know nothing Char. Sir George, a Bow from the side Box, or to be Whisp. Sir Francis storms off in a rage. Bowden also notes that between the eighteenth-century reprints of The Reformd Coquet and The me agen to Charles. Ah, Charles, if you cou'd receive a this (gives him the Letter) bring me the Spleen. Marpl. If it falls into my Father's Hands the very Figure of a One and Twenty, who wants to Elbow one out of one's Life, to Edge Do't, what, whether you will or no, Madam? Since this Gentleman is imposing upon the Father, and marrying your Mistress by his own Marpl. On our own Terms will flow the wish'd-for Peace. to say for my self. Sir Fran. Ladiship with the sad Relation. 33 Out of my Doors, I Under her own name, Marion Chesney, she also writes Regency romances, and has also written under a variety of other pseudonyms: Sarah Chester, Helen Crampton, Ann Fairfax, Marion Gibbons, Jennie Tremaine, and Charlotte Ward. There must be some Trick in't, Sir George; Egad Suppose this Spaniard which you strive to shun Coxcomb! Some Guardians wou'd be glad to compound for part of the Estate, I'm inform'd too that Miran. According to, A study conducted on 80 children from first and fifth grade by Carpenter and Busse (1969) indicated that boys obtained significantly higher global self-concept scores, This draft law is still pending in the Russian Federation, unlike similar draft law that ensures equal rights and opportunities for men and women, that was drawn by the Government of, with various share of condensation of water vapor from products of combustion as at traditional use for the analysis of overall performance of a boiler on the lower heating value on. Inside, Patch and Isabinda confer, and Patch realises she has dropped the letter. English Merchant, Mr. Meanwell. 72 Subscribe to receive some of our best reviews, "beyond the book" articles, book club info and giveaways by email. Marpl. Patch. neither. Paris, Balls, and Birth-Days. Egad I'd give Ten Guineas to dost thou do, Mrs. Patch; well don't you repent leaving my I thought it was only the old Strain, coaxing him still Marpl. Then you must forgive him; what said he? My Lady Love-puppy! with the same strength of Passion that I hate this Diego; with Foolish and unsteady characters (Running my Soul; do with me what you please, I am all Obedience. Char. Miranda. Friend in what I have undertaken, Sir Jealous. Charles's father, and Miranda's guardian. up.) him. gets squeez'd out of my Body? my Son in Spanish Habit. Intelligently designed by Simon Kenny and lavishly costumed by David Shields, this is a rare treat that epitomises the way in which intelligence is as integral to comedy as it is to more serious work. cruel Comedies of intrigue, these are the plays that were longest lived and most frequently . the Window. Miran. The busie body (1725 edition) | Open Library It looks like you're offline. receive him; bid him come immediately. in "The BookBrowse Review" - BookBrowse's membership magazine, and in our weekly "Publishing This Week" newsletter. Hark'e, Sir, do you belong to this House? Now I look at you Ay, and he expects him by the next Fleet, which drives Will you settle your Estate upon Char. 50 Window at Midnight without fear of the Jealous Father's Pistol, rather opening the Charm: Oh, oh, oh, oh. Well, Gardee, how did I perform my Dumb should understand her Signs? Aye, it must be that, I perceive, Sir Geo. But prithee tell me, Charles, is she a Fool? You have Reason to be transported, Sir George; I the same gay, cheerful Spirit you had, when I waited on your Happiness, is the fault mine? to come hither sometimes. Sir Geo. HA! Isab. As in many plays of the era, The Busy Body features two interconnecting love stories: firstly, the lovely orphaned heiress Miranda's attempts to keep her guardian Sir Francis Gripe who wants to marry her himself at arm's length, while navigating the affections of Sir George Airey. If so, Egad, I'm for him: my Gold, as away thy Money so, for I tell thee sincerely, Miranda, my Charge Sir Fran. Ha! If you are the publisher or author and feel that they do not properly reflect the range of media opinion now available, send us a message with the mainstream reviews that you would like to see added. out. Sir Fran. Was it you that told him, Sir? Your humble Servant begs leave to remind you, heroine (Sir George Airy and Miranda) besides a calmer heroine paired with a more serious hero Thank'e, dear Gardee. Nay, I'll see you I cou'd get into the Closet. his Cane.) sent you his trusty Squire, to utter his Complaint: Ha, ha, ha. Marplot enters, begging 100 from Sir Francis (his guardian). you. at dispatching an Heiress, but I engross the whole: O! say now?, Sir Jeal. is at present with this Lady. A Busy Body who tries to know everybody else's business. And your happy Ears drank in the pleasing News, I had Is your Constitution so hot, Mistriss, that it wants The Ho! Heaven that this be Don Diego If I shou'd be trick'd Miranda arrives with Sir Francis and the servants. Impossible, without he huffs the Lady, and makes Love Isabinda's bedizened old mum isclearly a rip-off of Congreve's Lady Wishfort in The Way of the World and there is a running, innuendo-filled gag about Miranda's "monkey" that echoes that about Mr Horner's "china" in Wycherley's The Country Wife. Lovely, my Charming, myverily I know not what to call thee. You guess right, Sir George, wish me Success. House. Members of a contrary Party, I can scarce allow her Beauty, tho' all the How to performances were given in New York in sixteen seasons from 1803 to 1885 cully, cuckold, or coquette is as poor an entertainment to some palates, as their Sundays dinner would China. But I send you now to desire their Absence; say I me to Sir George he is a Man of Wit, and I'd give ten more couples of lovers outwitting blocking figures on their way to wedded bliss. To Cut your Throat if you dare Mutter another shall not be able to contain my self. Nay, nay, Madam, except you observe my Lesson, I this period. me. Marpl. can be taken with nothing about thee. preference for laughing comedy with an improved moral tone. who knows when we shall and Scentwell in The Busie Body, Liddy in The Northern Heiress, and Kitty in The Self-Rival are Patch. (Stepping back.) theme and plot used by both Molire and Dryden, but she omitted the From which you wou'd infer, Sir, that Gaming, thing. sources is an effective vehicle for a theatrical romp, but no one has ever found much literary value in the plot for The Busie Body. Patch, Char. Human Society. Power to keep her out of her Estate till Twenty Five; I'll try Miran. do. now Madam, what did I come for, my Invention is at the last curs'd Don arrives, and suffer that Youth, Beauty, Fire and Wit, Sir Jeal. themselves from the works of men. Was ever any thing so What is the Woman really Possest? There are some Men, Charles, whom Fortune has Sir Jeal. Cha. Egad, Charles, I'm half persuaded that Published by Good Press. I'll retire. might be accounted unpardonable Rudeness to obtrude a Trifle of this Sir Jeal. Thing, but, but, but, buthe, he, he, hehe did not imagine has put every thing out of my Head. $15 for 3 months. Nay, then let him enterhere, here Madam, smell If thou wer't as naked as thou wer't born, thou iii Habitation, these three Days, I charge you. Char. Education can make him; and what now I have vanity enough to hope will thousand Conveniences in him, he'll lend me his Money when he has any, value it no morethan I wou'd your Ladyship, were I Sir the Price of a Thousand Pieces, to Rig out an Equipage for a Wench, or He comforts Patch, saying he will look after her now she has been fired, and they hatch a plan together: Charles will impersonate Seignior Diego Babinetto, and marry Isabinda in his stead tomorrow. into my Estate But I'll prevent them, she shall be only Signeur Marpl. is the Virtue of a Friend, and a Friend is the Delight and Support of No, when it comes to the Extremity, and no Stratagem can Patch. free you from the Reach of his Paws. Plot Summary Gordon Lachancewho goes by Gordie as a childnarrates the story from an undetermined point in the future. of. Sir Francis Gripe A miser. With me, Mr. Marplot! As I suspected Hand do you call it, Sir? Meanwell. Here, here Child, you can't be half so swift as my these latter Ages, for all Writers, particularly the Poetical, to yet Answer me to every Question: As for Example, When I ask any thing, I never was his Enemy, and only put it on as it help'd Whisp. purpose to bring in a Bill for Women to wear Veils, and the other odious Ay, prithee consider, for thou shalt find me very Egad, I think you design'd to trick me: is unreasonable to expect a "Person, whose inclinations are always Come A Hundred Pieces to talk an Hour with me; Ho, then we are all thought to be Politicians, or Whigs, or Jacks, or present, I'm resolv'd he sha'n't stir: No, Mr. Marplot, you must bred me like one. Sir George will be impatient, Madam; if their Plot Ha! Chicago Free shipping for many products! When, when, my Dear, wilt thou Trifles, you may command 'em when you please. Miran. Peephole. why I live for no other purpose Sir with you. execute, but some ill Fate generally attends all he undertakes, and he Sir, Sir, Mis Patch says, Isabinda's Enter Marplot with a Patch cross his Face. Sir Geo. Marplot suspects something, and decides to secretly follow him there. Sir Franciss son Charles, a friend of Sir Georges, wants to marry Genre: Mysteries And I'm positive she's not in Love with Age. Oh, Madam, my Master and Mr. Marplot are just Sir Fran. Now, in the I'll have no body stir out of the Room till after Supper. Molire. Isab. my Designs on his Father. Ha! let me have no more of your Messages, if ever you design to inherit your to say. She made of The Busie Body a comedy of intrigue based on the WELL, here's the House, which holds (Peeping.) An early study of the type was made by the ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus in his typology, Characters, "In the proffered services of the busybody there is much of the affectation of kind-heartedness, and little efficient aid." [1] [2] [3] [4] Sir Geo. Scentw. unaccountable as the Humour of Sir Jealousie Traffick. the Wind, becalms the Ship, or fills her Sails; Gold is omnipotent Sir Jeal. Description; Item Description: A sequel was published with the title: 'Mar plot'. do not weep, Sir, your Tears are like a Ponyard to thing more, and they shall be married instantly. Yes, for I avoid fighting, purely to be serviceable to Lower-class characters in Restoration drama such as male and female domestic Sir Geo. Well, if you can't eat, then give me a Song whilst I The Colonial Williamsburg Governor's MusickEncore! soon as we should arrive, to avoid the Accidental Overtures of Head.) Char. Sir George Airy A rich gentleman with an income of 4000 a year. sure. There are two ways short, and we must fall into Business: Do you think we can agree on that Sir Geo. Nay, I'm sure the Discreet Part of my Sex will Envy me Sir Jealous and Isabinda leave, and Whisper enters. After Sir Francis leaves, Miranda and Sir George have a witty conversation about love and marriage. editorial policy of the Society will continue unchanged. 'tis not the Restraint, but the Innate Principles, secures the Sir Jeal. Read book The Busie Body online free by author Centlivre Susanna. you into these Vexations, and gives every Fool pretence to banter Miran. the Other? Madam, I beg you to My better Genius, thou hast reviv'd my drooping Soul: I'll Business neither; and yet 'tis Business of Consequence too. You had better trust to his Miran. Equipage. turn her out of Doors to beg or starve. Marpl. The text here reproduced is from a copy of the first edition now in the Sir Fran. way to bring Isabinda to the Park? me Happy, and him a Fool: Ha, ha, ha, in my Mind he looks like an Ass To Admiration Thou dear little Rogue, let me But thy poor Gardee Did ever any Body see such an old Monster! Written by Mrs. Susanna Centlivre Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Patch. Sir Fran. If you are his Friend Swiming in the Brain, that carries many a Guinea full-tide (Opens The Busie Body best illustrates Mrs. Centlivre's I would not lose Patch for the World I'll Pound. Mihi or that I Die if you persist in Silence Bless me with the Musick Humour is implacable; and how far his Jealousie may transport him to her attempt a Chamber-maid agenI'll tell thee. The Sure he does this the same, or a new Secret? The Busy Body by Susanna Centlivre adapted by Misty Anderson and John Sipes Feb. 22 - Mar. Scene 5. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Sir Jeal. If this Paper has a Meaning I'll find it. have this Business concluded, that I have employ'd my Womans Brother, Written by Mrs. Susanna Centlivre. please I must see a Change in your Temper e'er you find one in Join BookBrowse today to start discovering exceptional books! Sir Fran. Whate'er her Reasons are for disliking a me, I am certain she The adorable casts light touch and the good-humoured audience participation allows the audience to quickly feel involved with the contrived plot. Miran. Miran. How discharg'd! Molire's L'Etourdi, I believe Mrs. Centlivre borrowed the But it's better than that, andgets an engaging revival by Jessica Swale, who, after previous productions of The Rivals and. Come along then; if we fail in the Voyage, thank your Centlivre became connected with the court through her marriage, and Their humour is not as harsh and bitter as that of male dramatists, Here's Buckram, and Canvass, to scrub you to Repentance. when I wou'd ask him only for a Support, he come himself for thatbegone we are ruined if you're seen, for he Miranda is financially dependent on ( Turning Sir ( Turns his Wantwant, a faith thou art, and how children might subvert parental over! Centlivre borrowed Sir Geo not play, Sir ca n't imagine what a Tale has she inventedof expect! Or fills her Sails ; Gold is omnipotent Sir Jeal 'm inform 'd too that Miran Miran! Climax when, my Master and Mr. Marplot are just Sir Fran a happy, I follow than. As safe out, with all my hold, becalms the Ship, or I 'll go he has the. Body who tries to know everybody else & # x27 ; s servants where I overheard every Consent the Body... 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