He showed me a month or so ago. Therefore tongues is a face to face encounter with God. Then, for 15 minutes, I prayed in the Spirit intelligently by keeping my mind focused on the worship or on Jesus. Very good and an eye opener for me. Reply. And yes, they will be replaced by blessings instead! That is common. There is no reason that prolongs a conversation more than intimacy. But here is another challenge. Hebrews 13:8. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the [ a]wiles of the devil. Lift up your hands to Him and say this with me: Heavenly Father, I am confident that You will give me the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the ability to speak in tongues. So I receive right now Your Holy Spirit till overflowing and I fully expect to start speaking in my new heavenly language in Jesus name. But this Christmas, the Grinch has been plotting to steal my gifts, but I'm determined to KEEP God's gifts to me. This ministry of tongues is coupled with the ministry of interpretation, so that the whole church can be edified. Moses spoke to God face to face (Exodus 33:11) and when he came down from the mountain his face shone with the glory of God. Two days later, I received an acceptance email from one of the greatest publishing houses on the face of this earth. Tongues is your access to the glory of God. The doctors also found it was benign. speak with new tongues (Mark 16:17). This is the power of praying in tongues daily. If you were righteous, you could do that you could pray the prayer of faith and receive your healing but you're not righteous." Notice the devil didn't contradict what the Bible said, nor did he say, "You can't pray the prayer of faith," 48 Understanding How To Fight the Good Fight of Faith. This account is recorded in Mark 16:15-20,And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Thanks for all you do in the Lord! Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. The Holy Spirit knows better than we what our needs are. Big Love, Katie. I continued to pray in tongues as I waited for the medical report. We can also use our unknown tongue to pray and intercede for others. I live a full of peace. to restore by building, to rebuild, repair. Isnt that interesting, considering that our physical bodies are the houses or temples of Gods Spirit (1 Cor. My whole body was burning. You only know it as you begin to walk with God, but the knowledge of it is not enough. Thank you for the Word of CHRIST preached by you Ps. Arabic (, al-arabiyyah [al arabija] (); , araby [arabi] or ) is a Semitic language spoken primarily across the Arab world. Satan always tries to counterfeit the real thing. Dont discount this powerful gift from God. (See 1 Corinthians 14:4-5; Jude 20). If this message had been intended only for the apostles, then why are we still preaching the gospel today? Due to the commotion that tongues has raised in the body of Christ, many people would just as soon do away with it. Glenn was born in Mauritius but was raised and educated in London, England and now resides in the USA. Discipline will help you stick to it for long. Your college degree or certificate cannot determine your divine purpose on earth. This would require 62 churches to be involved for a true "Double Portion" 24 hour prayer coverage. For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries., From this we can see that when one speaks in tongues, he is not speaking to men, but to God. After those ten minutes, spend another ten listening. One of the great benefits of receiving the baptism with the Holy Spirit is the ability that comes with it to pray in tongues or pray in the Spirit. This can have a broad range of meanings. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. But there is one specifically encouraged biblical type of praying in the Spirit, and that is praying in tongues.Come read about the blessings that follow from this biblical practice.. Ephesians 6:18-19 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. What did you experience? When you pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit Himself teaches you all things. It may be the "least of the . The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. . (Same book as CIVIC, Saint Nicholas Bible, Queen Elizabeth Bible except King James Epiphany only has Jewish & Christian Paul encourages everyone to pray and talk to God more, and praise God by speaking and singing with our minds or through the language of tongues or spirit (1 Corinthians 14:15). The uses of tongues in prayer. Praying in tongues benefits only those who practice it. I was there with my daddy when he received Jesus! 10 Practical Ways To Develop A Stronger Prayer Life. Jesus said the Holy Spirit will be in you and with you, speaking about His indwelling and His manifest presence. The Holy Spirit really helped this time, for real. It is impossible for you to give yourself to long stretchof hours praying in the Spirit and for your ministry to remain the same. Table of Contents. It is not just a one-time manifestation, but a permanent gift given when the believer who receives baptism in the Spirit, and is thereafter at the believer's disposal. In this verse the question is asked, Do all speak with tongues? This is not speaking about the tongues available to all, but refers to those Christians called to minister in tongues before the church. Similar events took place in Acts 10 and 19 as the . Marty Grisham teaches and demonstrates all you ever wanted to know about praying in tongues. I never knew he plays piano. If you want to be a heavyweight in the spirit like the apostle Paul and Moses it is imperative that you dedicate yourself to a life of praying in tongues. Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. Psalm 127:1. When you're strong in your spirit, it becomes very difficult for the devil to manipulate you. Praying in the Spirit helps you to pray Gods plan for you into tangible reality, helping you to birth all your God-given dreams. So the very first article I just read will, I pray, be the exact words she needs to hear so she will not be afraid to start speaking in tongues and then get that life changing unction from the Holy One and know beyond a shadow of a doubt our Father in heaven wants her healed and has always wanted her healed. Sensitivity to Gods Spirit is very important because it will keep you from making many mistakes, keep you from unknown danger and deliver divine blessings to you. God bless you guys!! In deed is true, one day while I was praying in words I made this decree that I am sitting in heavenly realm with christ, and all of a sudden I started speaking in tongues and I cried so hard I try to stop the tongues but.. But you, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit. Jude 1:20. Hi David! The devil cannot understand you; neither can he interfere with or intercept your communication with your Father. Now you can understand why Paul said to the Romans, For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established. (Romans 1:11). For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God. Acts 10:45-46. Louisville This was & is very helpful in my spiritual walk & provided much needed encouragement that I needed today. Praying in tongues is a tremendous weapon available to us as Christians. Paul said that when we pray in tongues we are speaking directly to God. You may have heard that when you pray in tongues you edify or charge up only your spirit or inner man. 31 But earnestly desire the best[a] gifts. And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm. A parallel meaning to the Scripture is that we shall also have this same power and invulnerability over Satan and his demons, as he is referred to as the old serpent, the devil. Continue with Recommended Cookies, And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name, they willspeak with new tongues. First, we have morning people. 4) I agree to subject my testimony to editing for language and readability and understand that the editing team will make its best efforts to maintain accuracy. Thank you for the blessing of this wonderful online magazine. Praying for long hours came naturally to Him. I saw that praying in tongues: 1) Prays in the plans of God (1 Corinthians 14:2). Luke 11:11-13 gives us that assurance: If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? Likewise, the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. 2) Pulls down the enemy's strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). Mostly it was from 5 pm to 8 pm. Praying is an act that we do when we are in trouble or just about to get into trouble. Another power-packed reason to pray in tongues is that it reminds us that the Holy Spirit is dwelling inside us every minute of every day. When we pray in tongues, we get blessed. Friend, my heart is to encourage you to start praying in tongues again. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. by Jennifer LeClaire. Hi Laurie, Had a similar experience in 2009. Whenever you speak in tongues, you are speaking to Gods ears without interference. Once you know how vulnerable you are, praying in tongues for long hours will become second nature. I enrolled in Grace Academy. Paul wrote a letter to the Corinthians because they were having problems in the church, including the same one we are having today regarding speaking in tongues (see 1 Corinthians 14). But 1 Corinthians 14:4 doesnt say that only your inner man is edified. Praying in tongues gives you access to all these blessings. When challenges arise, that reminder will shut down all the outside voices and build our strength to see ourselves as He doesvictorious. Anytime you pray in unknown tongues, you expand the capacity of your spirit. You will be speaking by the power of the Spirit, but it will all be mysterious. 1 Corinthians 14:2. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. I was praying (in English) intently, really focused and out came my prayer language, flowing! There is a river of life for a sound mind, a river of love, another river of rest, yet another river of refreshingall waiting to be released as you pray in the Spirit. Being in a charged environment makes it easy to pray. As my witness I have seen the fruit. We need to understand this because many people do not see any purpose for speaking in tongues, and therefore do not see their need for this gift. There are times of the day when it is easy to speak in tongues and other times when it is hard. Therefore we do not lose heart. Salvation prayer. Today, our churches split this commission, as they are strong on preaching the gospel, teaching that it is the duty of every Christian to witness to others, yet ignoring the other half, that of speaking with tongues, healing the sick and casting out demons. I did this experiment. Dont be disheartened if it differs from the tongues of other believers or sounds monosyllabic at first. When it comes to speaking in tongues, the benefits of praying in tongues for hours. When my mind would get distracted, I brought it back to Jesus. Our focus is to advance people closer to God in a practical way that brings wholeness to themselves, their families and the community at large. I wondered what continuing to pray in tongues would do. Praying in tongues. You can go from faith to faith, walking boldly in the promise that no weapon formed against you or your loved ones shall prosper (Isa. Ive found that the more I pray in the Spirit, the more my spirit becomes sensitive to His leading. I saw my little brother singing. Ephesians 6:10-18. While the 120 believers prayed in the upper room of a house, the Holy Spirit came in power and enabled people to speak in such a way that the audience who listened to them could understand their teaching in each of their languages. In Verse 18 he says, "I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all.". And if youve never prayed in tongues, I want to show you from Scripture how this gift applies to you and the powerful benefits of this practical grace gift. Betty Miller has written several books on other topics as well. If waking up early is doable for you, then wake up and pray in tongues in the morning. Paul experienced the truth of this while on the island Melita. When you fail to get some of the breakthroughs you pray for, you will be frustrated. Do you believe in Jesus? You get edified, improved, stronger and more able. Great article! The Lord knows every test, trial or attack that is coming up, and desires to see us prepared to meet and overcome it by implementing this valuable tool of praying in tongues. We are joint heirs with Christ! Am looking forward to speaking in tongues more often since now I know the benefits. 1 Corinthians 12:30-31 (NKJV) Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. 3. Embrace it and relish the strength it adds to your spiritual life. I attended Women On The Frontlines in May 2017 and a new world opened up for me. Related: Benefits of a Praying Woman:15 Awesome. It does not store any personal data. Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved, These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed. Mark 16:15-18. This would mean that there would be two different churches praying for 24 hours on the same day. Get it as soon as Mon, Apr 25. And when the barbarians saw the venomous beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live. I also run a YouTube channel for this blog where you can find live speaking in tongues sessions and videos based on these articles. And that makes sense. Peoples last words before departing have always been considered important. We are praying for you, and look forward to hearing your praise report! It is truly a powerful weapon against the devil. But if you pray in the Holy Spirit, you are allowing Him to intercede for you. We do not understand why God chose this method of prayer, but as with other things in Gods Word that we do not understand with the natural mind, they remain truths none the less. For example, the gift of tongues is meant for every believer, and exercising this precious gift has a lot of benefits that can not be exhausted. God does not do a thing without a purpose, neither does He do a thing just so He can show-off in order to impress. True, there are false gifts of tongues from the devil, and several occult groups practice them. In Verse 21, Paul quotes a verse from Isaiah 28:11, "For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.". Hence, we may pray with limited knowledge or understanding about the situation. Inundate me, fill me, and baptize me with the Holy Spirit. "27 Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.". Tongues can be exercised at the will of the believer. Here we are going to focus on the individual believer, and I am going to show you 13 top reasons for praying in tongues which could also be termed praying in the Spirit. This includes divine wisdom, the building up of your spirit and your faith, healing for your body, and wholeness for your mind. Then start and continue to set time for praying in tongues daily. I thank God for this article. Thank You for all the benefits that praying in the Spirit will release in my life. But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit (Jude 20). !God Bless A million times.! Enoch was a man of great faith, so much so, that it was his faith that enabled him to ascend up into Heaven without first tasting death! or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? It kept on and through that I started prophesying over our family and infact my whole body was sweating the was my first encounter with the tongues speaking.. My life has been enriched by all the teachings of Pastor Joseph Prince. It is hard for us to reach out to others when we are burdened ourselves, so praying in the spirit about our problems also frees us to then intercede for others. A heart that doesnt always beat right, or perhaps an embarrassing skin condition that has defied all the remedies you have tried? And doesnt this tell us that as we pray in tongues, we can rebuild or repair our bodies broken down by age, stress, or disease? Email Blessings to all. To hear her tender voice as then! Glenn was born in Mauritius but was raised in London, England and now resides in the USA. I would pray in tongues during my quiet time as you taught us to. You get edified, improved, stronger and more able. 11.Tongues is the entrance into the supernatural. That feels like a personal attack, right? He said these signs would follow them that believe. He did not say just the apostles would do these things, but all who were believers. You are blessed and blessing! Of course, there are always extremists who pervert the Scripture. It cannot be studied, learned, or written in any college or university because it is not a natural language. I recognize and agree that there will not be any limits to the usage of my testimony. If you prefer standing, then stand. The flesh and the spirit both have their own desires, and this presents a struggle within you. Thats how seriously I take speaking in tongues. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The daily habit of speaking in tongues supplies strength and supernatural energy which enables you to overcome discouragements, disappointments, weighty concerns, and other emotional issues. When an individual, a family, a group, or a church take time to pray in the Spirit, troubles, accidents, storms, divorces, bankruptcy, etc. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. Romans 8:14. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Sts. . But this year in November, God showed me how to war and I saw a thick glass ceiling slowly breaking in the sky - It was my breakthrough!!!!!!!! He is saying that if a serpent should bite us, or we should (not knowingly) drink poison, it will not harm us. 14. (EDIT: a reader pointed out that Jude 1:20 and Ephesians 6:18 also mention praying the Spirit in passing, so 7 verses. If you have been suffering from a painful physical condition, panic attacks, depression, or some other debilitating medical condition, let me show you how using Gods gift of tongues can bring about healing and wholeness to your body and mind. Interstate roads lead to Highway 5 to Sitiawan and Lumut, where the jetty for Pangkor is located. What is it then? I knew the pastor on YouTube and I shared it with my relatives, my family. When you pray in tongues, you are reminding yourself that God is working in you, for you, and through you. Tongues remind us of the Spirit's indwelling presence; it is the door way to the supernatural and keeps us continually aware of the Holy Spirit's indwelling presence. Luke 11:11-13. Many times the flesh yearns for something that is not profitable for you. I'M MORE DETERMINED SATAN!!!! The 3am - 6am prayer watch is the fourth and last watch of the night. Therefore tongues is a face to face encounter with God. did not know that when you feel his presence you have the right to decree, now I understand as we are sited in heavenly places with him and its our right. Keep your mind focused while you are praying in tongues and acceleration will happen. Stir up the reservoir of divine wisdom that is dormant on the inside of you, and release rivers of wisdom to bring light and discernment into your situation. Praying in tongues gets even less time at only 5 verses in all of Scripture. precious gift has a lot of benefits that can not be exhausted, Benefits of Praying Everyday: 11 Powerful, 15 Powerful Prayers for a Failing Marriage, 6 Amazing Tuesday Morning Prayer And Blessing, 31 Powerful Morning Prayers to Start Your Day. For if you have the ability to speak in tongues, you will be talking only to God, since people wont be able to understand you. Praise the Lord. little rock crime rate map; jacob koschitzke related to justin; how to scare away crows but not other birds. You are fortifying your inner man. From Kuala Lumpur, take the North-South highway and exit either at Tapah or Gopeng. God wants you whole in every way, both inside and out! A typical example would be the mantra in Transcendental Meditation. Most of the time, I minimize vigorous movements if I want to speak in tongues for long. Giving yourself to long stretch of time praying in tongues will add to the weight of glory that you can carry and impart in people's lives. Glory be to God for this magazine. Do it everyday then ramp up to 15 minutes. I am so thankful for all the resources available to me through this ministry. 3) I agree to provide complete contact information so that JPM and/or its publisher(s) and/or licensees may contact me, should the need arise. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows forth His handiwork. Psalm 19:1. It is a powerful prayer gift not limited by distance, time, or head knowledge. You dont have to fear the devils attacks against you. For you indeed give thanks well, but the other is not edified. 1 Corinthians 14:16-17. Thank you so much Cheryl. I Dropped out of College to Speak in Tongues, How to Grow in the Gift of Speaking in Tongues, You must Speak in Tongues if you want Total Freedom, Why Speaking in Tongues with your Phone switched off is good, Speaking in Tongues for Long doesnt matter if you ignore this Factor. Yes, it is that simple. We pray about whatever our number one problem and need is. It strengthens your spirit as you stand against the work of the devil. Thank you for your prayers. Throughout Chapter 14 of 1 Corinthians Paul encourages us to pray in tongues, and pray with our understanding. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. See below for an excerpt from the book and I pray that it will bless you, equip you, and impart empowering truths to you about this amazing gift we have through Christ! The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. In this case, the Glory exploded on me! It helps you to be more sensitive to Gods Spirit and His presence. Listen to how I regulate my voice in my tongue speaking sessions on YouTube. Some wake up at 3am, others at 4 am. Sometimes we would share the word but it was mostly praying. Praise God and thank you Pastor Price for your work in the kingdom, Blessings in The Name of our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST! Begin by speaking the syllables that come to you. 4. However, we knew God had sent us on His mission; and just as He told His disciples to eat and drink what was set before them and that nothing by any means would harm them, we knew that His Word was just as true and reliable today as it was then. You ask, and expect to receive. The Rosary- All Mysteries. I have lost my voice several times in the middle of speaking in tongues because I raised my voice too high. Or the person who's suffered at the hands of that enemy all their life - their children suffered because the mother suffered, then that enemy started targeting her children individually too. Its one gift with many applications and benefits! Be empowered by the Holy ghost as you pray in tongues for minimum of one hour daily. Gertrude and Mechtilde - Covenant and Morning Prayer. Related: Good Night Prayers: 20 Captivating. Some people claim that praying for hours is not necessary but Im sure they have never experienced the benefits of praying in tongues for hours. Tongues. For when you open your mouth, you give voice to the Holy Spirit who helps you by making intercession for you (Rom. The dream seemed to mark out as a point of focus for the attack TONGUES and specifically the POWER of God in the church which tongues evidences. . It's December 10, 2022. Established in 1994. You cannot go beyond your level of your prayer life. (1) It can come as an ecstatic prophetic utterance that needs to be interpreted. If you have the gift of speaking in tongues, you will naturally feel an urge to pray for long in the spirit if you are in trouble. If you want to be a . The truth is, however, that it is necessary to possess both. Beloved, whether you have been discouraged by a bad medical report, a long-term health condition, or you are suffering from panic attacks and depression, give it all to the Lord and let His Spirit repair and restore your body and mind. As a result, he didnt have to go through a Whipple procedurean operation more complex than a heart transplant. We find two main groups, one emphasizing on the gifts, and the other the fruit of the Spirit. Beloved, your entire selfspirit, soul, as well as bodygets edified or rebuilt as you pray in tongues. The goal is to be in a position you can remain in for hours without fatigue. The Theological Notes of the Church - Fr. Jesus Himself said, And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will . I was ever so blessed to see my daddy, and my mama (re-baptized) together! God does not answer all prayers, He only answers those that are in line with His will. I will pray with my spirit [by the Holy Spirit that is within me], but I will also pray [intelligently] with my mind and understanding; I will sing with my spirit [by the Holy Spirit that is within me], but I will sing [intelligently] with my mind and understanding also. If you are praying in tongues and just letting your mind wander, you are not bearing any fruit. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. 1 Corinthians 14:13 says for if I pray in tongues my spirit is praying, but I don't understand what I am saying." Now get that - when I pray in tongues it is my spirit that is praying - not my mind. You Can't Be Catholic and a Democrat. It can lead to a better healthy body system that developed from a positive mind and thinking. My friend, I pray you will experience a deeper walk with the Lord and see the miraculous manifesting in your life as you release His power through this wonderful gift of tongues. Great teaching! I nourish myself each with the truth and appropriate myself with the promises of the lord. I have found this to be true in my own life. Beloved, what do you do when you have a need? Decree Philippians 3:20 by saying, I am a citizen of Heaven, so I have the rights to all the privileges and franchises of Heaven. Then decree Ephesians 2:6, by saying, I am seated in heavenly realms with Christ. His elder brother who shared the video online said he entered the room and was shocked to see him filled with the spirit of God. Maybe a challenge is needed. A person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally, but one who speaks a word of prophecy strengthens the entire church. 1 Corinthians 14:4. When you pray in the Spirit, you release rivers of His wisdom, supply, and healing into your situations. Such beautiful and precious moments in mine, and mama & daddy's lives! He wants to equip and enable you to rise up and walk in His divine power in every situationthrough His precious gift of tongues. That's right David. One hour praying in Tongues/Spirit!!! Tongues is your access to the glory of God. Just as He has reasons for sending His Son to the world, even so, He has reasons for sending and giving the Holy Spirit to us. The Spirit is praying the will of God for us. It is a blessing to me. And it's Jehovah of Armies who led me to this article - reason #10 is exactly why I've been praying in tongues for 6 hours and will continue until my next breakthrough happens! Can you tell me what book of Katies covers covers the details in lesson 12, Nov 15th blog? We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience. Some people would . 8:26). I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also.. We must resolve the contention, not throw out speaking in tongues. In Verse 18 he says, I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all. In Verse 21, Paul quotes a verse from Isaiah 28:11, For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. Sometimes people receive a beautiful tongue in a foreign sounding language, while others only receive stammering syllables or a few strange words. Amen.. If that is you, take heart and know that Gods heart first and foremost is to see you happy, healthy, and whole! Maybe youve already received this wonderful gift but have not been practicing it because of the busyness of life and all its distractions and challenges. Jude 1:20 (AMPC) reads, But you, beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit Praying in the Holy Spirit will raise your building up from the foundation allowing you to go higher. Tongues are Not of man; it is the gift of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit gives as He wills (1 Cor. Thanks you for sharing this with me and I will continue to pray and read what you have said. If you have already done that and it still has not happened.You just start doing it on your own at home. The power of God is released to destroy the webs of darkness every time you exercise this precious gift. Summary: The bible exhorts us to "pray in the Spirit". Listen to a single verse or a selection of inspirational verses. Steve Ray: "By Faith Alone". Christ Unlimited and BibleResources.org Newsletter & Blog Reminders delivered to your Inbox! Either the entire commission was only for the apostles, or it was for all believers. Luke 10:17-19. He was so full of the spirit. * SUBSCRIBE LINKS: * http://www.youtube.com/c/BishopBenSrn087?sub_confirmation=1We Pray For Our Viewers \u0026 Subscribers (Now and Future) For Holy Ghost Empowerment and God Divine Presence in their Lives. You talk to God in prayer about it and trust Him to provide for you, dont you? Their prayer releases great power into their spirits to make them strong. Illumination of Conscience. You have the right to do this! The first occurrence of speaking in tongues is found in Acts 2. May God continue to bless your ministry. All rights reserved. Pick a Good Time of the Day to Pray in Tongues for Long Hours. It's just like the night before Christmas - the expectation, I mean. You have established it with your decree. How do you know you reached heaven? Desire it. Most of the problems regarding speaking in tongues stem from a lack of understanding of what the purpose of this beautiful gift is. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". much you are really wanting to thank Him so your spirit will step in by using the sounds that youre putting When you pray in tongues privately, the words you speak publicly will carry the power of God. Faith is a gift from Holy Spirit, so ask for that gift! Are you hard pressed for a decision regarding your family, your job, your relationships, or your finances? Imagine being constantly surrounded by this powerful shield as you pray in the Spirit while you go about your day. Since God is mysterious, the only way we can know Him is through Jesus. When you pray in tongues, you will see good success, fruitfulness, and healing. forth from your mouth and your spirit will use words that are deeper than English and will absolutely continue the conversation with Him. For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God; for no one understands him, but he utters mysteries in the Spirit. Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 1 John 5:14. Part 1/4: Praying in Tongues Gives You Access to Every Blessing. If you are dealing with a health challenge today, we are believing with you for your breakthrough. Even so, it should not be left out because it is definitely one of the keys to the kingdom. Can you please pray in agreement with me that I will start speaking in tongues? Men in the Bible did it and I do it every day. Praying in tongues helps you in yielding to the Holy Spirit who dwells in you and not to the unprofitable inclinations of the flesh. Speaking in tongues consumes a lot of energy. If we pray something against God's will . Available now until 5 February for lunch (except Mondays) from 12noon to 230pm at The Emperor, you can sample cute rabbit-shaped Steamed Prawn Crystal Dumplings (RM28) or delicate Steamed Blue Pea Flower Dumplings (RM28). For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercessions for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Romans 8:26. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. !Praying for yall !! 5) I agree to make no claim of any kind whatsoever (including but not limited to any claims of libel, slander, invasion of privacy, invasion of right of publicity, and/or copyright infringement) against the Authorized Entities in connection with the use of my testimony. a. Praying in tongues releases wisdom and directions for our lives. While praying in the Spirit, we not only speak mysteries unto God, but also we pray according to His will. And just in the knick of time too. It says that the one who speaks in tongues edifies himself. The fulfillment of the Great Commission requires both the fruit and the gifts. When youre at home, in your car, in the restroom, etc begin to speak out loud to God, in English. God has a divine purpose for everyone. If you want to speak in tongues for long hours, do it with other believers. 2)Ialso give my irrevocable consentto JPM, Pastor Joseph Prince, Grace Revolution Church, and New Creation Church, and their broadcasters, publishers, licensees, and assignees (collectively referred to as the Authorized Entities)to use and reproduce,without restrictions or limits,my testimony in any manner in their teaching resources, which include all editions and formats transmitted/published in any medium/media/platform and language throughout the world, including any advertising and publicity relating to the resources. Paul declares in 1 Corinthians 14:14-15,For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful. I told God I didnt want to go through the Whipple procedure and prayed for the cyst to be reduced in size and to disappear eventually. If you treat prayer like a day job, then you can do it for long hours like a day job. This is important because God will never violate His will. Specialties: Harvest Rock is a biblically based, contemporary-style church that is an authentic expression of God's love to our community. Without the gun Read this message before you proceed When you have the gift of speaking in tongues, you can easily get caught up in praying for breakthroughs. 1) I give my irrevocableconsent to have my testimony shared,without restrictions or limits,on all platforms of Joseph Prince Ministries (JPM), Pastor Joseph Prince, Grace Revolution Church, GRC Online, New Creation Church, and ministers and friends of Pastor Joseph Princes ministry and church. "I came home this evening and I was so shocked. . Stay up to date on Katies latest reflections, revelations, events and resources! Now, apart from the river of wisdom, there are many other rivers of power that will impart life to your body or circumstances. Remember that, according to some people, speaking in tongues is an ability that God grants to people in order to pray and feel closer to the holy spirit.. And those of the circumcision who believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because the gift of the Holy Spirit has been poured out on the Gentiles also. The devil is a liar and I know Jesus has healed me! Meeting the obstacle reduces the required resting time to tln'ee hours per die. Praying in the Spirit makes God bigger in your life! If you want to pray in tongues for long hours, then you must apply the same principles that prolong a conversation. If you find yourself in a . I get up early most mornings and pray in tongues for about an hour before ascending. At one time, I used to pray for hours in the evening. Thank you very much! Praying in Tongues is Praying what God Wants. His creation and His handiwork are enough evidence of His majesty, love, and power. It is like your GPS guiding you to your destination. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? I used to attend a church that had fasting sessions from 9 am to 4 pm. Ive done this for years. The silence of the night is great for speaking in tongues. very powerful. (Psalm 103:1) Some people belittle speaking in tongues, calling it the "least of the gifts.". I learned to speak in tongues for long from prayer night vigils I used to attend shortly after receiving the gift of praying in tongues. 14:18). It really is the same way that you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and started speaking in tongues. If you have the desire, you will find it easy to launch deep. As you continue to do so, you will become more fluent in this new language, start enjoying it more and more, and see the healing breakthroughs youve been believing for! No More Abnormal Mammogram Results After Praying In Tongues, Achieved Excellent Grade for Licensing Exam. Scriptures from major world religions, safety tips & reminders, science facts, world cuisine, entertainment, pets, life discussion topics, and more. Tongues is strengthening your inner man with divine might. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The ministry of the Holy Spirit has a lot of heavens blessings for the Church. Praying in tongues for long hours is a good practice. The mystery of praying in tongues is that God designed it to be a supernatural language. Im super excited youre here! Dr Hamon has interviewed Benny Hinn, Reinhard Bonnke and other well known ministers who all say they spend hours praying in tongues before a meeting in order to: charge themselves with the power of God AND wait for words of wisdom . Jesus has paid the price for me to receive every blessing from You. He wants you to enjoy His divine life in your body and His rest and peace in your mind and emotions. When God created man, He gave him all types of freedom but man lost them to the devil. Tongues: I too can pray in the spirit and switch between different tongues. hy 4 to 48 actions. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the . Hallelujah! Little boy speaks in tongues Photo Credit: @joshuawealth_/TikTok Source: UGC. Do not be discouraged at whatever sound comes out. 4.8 out of 5 stars 85. Perhaps youve prayed about itdiligentlybut still feel like nothing has changed. Im wanting and believing to ascend and thank you for mentioning to decree certain scriptures before then. What about stopping in the middle of speaking in tongues to check a notification on your phone? This is why if you want to pray in tongues for long, you have to manage your energy levels well. Giving yourself to long stretch of time praying in tongues will be a vital key to tapping the miraculous and moving in the glory of God. For them, praying is their job. Praying in tongues is God's marvelous way of helping us in our hour of need. Our story began when Ch and Sue Ahn arrived in Pasadena from Maryland in 1984 and planted . That is the reason why Paul was thankful that he prayed in tongues more than anyone among his contemporaries. 1 Corinthians 14:1-40 ESV / 36 helpful votesHelpfulNot Helpful. The importance of daily . Instead of feeling drained and dry of supply, let His living water flow freely as you consistently practice this powerful gift! Tongues is knowledge, counsel, and secrets withheld from the wicked. You can pray in the Spirit under your breath as youre driving, showering, or attending to any mundane chore . Please continue to consult your doctor about your condition and dont throw away your medication or disregard any professional medical advice or diagnosis. 2. https://katiesouza.com/product/ascending-into-the-supernatural/. As we engage the spirit man to pray, he grows. Let your spirit keep talking; you have much to say. Then the next day you do more. Enoch ascended got translated into Heaven without having to see death. This was certainly not the Lords meaning here. He even lies and says the gift of tongues is from him, just to keep people from receiving it and using it against him. I have had countless prompts to pray in the evening. Pray in The Spirit/tongues without ceasing. The table at which he sat was littered with papers, but at this precise moment he had leaned back in his chair with a puzzled expression and his left hand in . 99. The Lord spoke to my heart and asked me if I understood the mysteries of salvation. I desire to speak in tongues but so far, nothing. Without such praying, man only stumbles along and in uncertainty the . But just like other good practices, it has a price tag. You just expected to receive, and started speaking the words and syllables out of your mouth. 2021 Katie Souza Ministries - All Rights Reserved. Topic:What the Bible Says about Tongues Houston, TX, or your country if outside USA. The agent put exclamation points behind every sentence. Ripperger w/ Ryan Grant. I am so very excited about this Digital Magazine!! The Bible tells us in the book of Job that man born of woman is of few days and full of trouble. I believe these tips will help you pray in tongues for long. praying in tongues for 48 hoursgloversville high school athletics praying in tongues for 48 hours Menu valorant mute chat. Praying in tongues for hours is easier if you approach it as a conversation with Jesus rather than bubbling unknown words. As you read this article, may these fresh revelations ignite your faith and breathe hope into every season you find yourself in.