A good example of a typo which hasnt ruined anyones day Alison has written education wrong in the title below your question. Academia is more than happy to promote degrees as evidence of the probability that an individual can learn and demonstrate that learning. Trained alot of guys. I'll never have the person who is just like me in my life again. That is NOT the path for everyone, and I will repeat what others said my job is not related to my degree, at all! This is gold. This kind of hands on experience and ways to cope from someone who has been there seems like much more appreciated info. With these other avenues there aren't any rules these offices need to follow. I then find out that I am starting at the same exact level as all of these cool cats hanging in the room -- I'm thinking what the hell is going on here? I wouldnt expect a college admissions officer (barring possibly those from a fundamentalist school) who would even blink at this. and not looking to advance any further up the food chain. I ended up getting an MBA and had years of business & finance related work experience. YOU DONT NEED A SALESMAN TO GET PHONE SERVICE FOR YOUR BUSINESS, YOU CAN DO IT YOURSELF ONLINE. Anyways, good god, are those employees on crack? I paid everything paid out of pocket. Before I go any further Id like to hear what other people have to say. In college I was taught read stuff backwards to trick the brain into looking at it differently. Pretty similar stuff except it wasn't door to door. We Do Customer Acquisition Better. I also dont have a degree, which is unusual in my field. If you want a college degree, its an option! The only thing that I could think about was to go home and research this "company". My business is reasonably education oriented and no one gives a crap who went to what school or has what degree. Seems like a solid job right? I believe it man, there's a lot of stuff out there like this. Long story short I ended up losing my savings on out of pocket costs. I was once on a team, that I had received mainly excellent feedback, and then was kicked from the team suddenly due to a reorg. When you write something, your mind fills in the sentence automatically and you wont see the typos or omitted words. Seasonal work in retail or warehouse work can be very lucrative these months if youre able to work overtime, and while theyre not easy jobs they typically dont invite moral dilemna. I sold office supplies door to door on a commission only basis. You just use the pronouns. I would write it like this: My student Susan (legal name: Bradley) Smith and Susan hereafter. OP #2 others have already offered solid tips and techniques for double (and triple) checking your work. So I'm just a little torn honestly. One thing that happened, often, is a manager would suddenly abandon ship, leaving the company to pay for costs owed by the owner . And Primerica isnt even considered a bad MLM! It is usually minor stuff, but still And this is not a reflection on his writing skills. Get started with your Free Employer Profile. Also, its often an option to use the name more and the pronouns less, should you choose. Im not stupid, I know the data and materials. This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 12/09/2010 08:02 AM and is a permanent record located here: Noticeably avoiding she for a trans girl and he for a trans guy was not a good move.). They claimed to work for a Rogers reseller, Cydcor. Im sorry to hear that, and Im sending virtual hugs is you want them. No one was harmed in the reading of this typo. If it wasnt for all of the above stuff, Id be totally fine with selling office supplies door-to-door for low pay- I like to think I am humble and try to work hard, I actually used to wash dishes at restaurants in high school. Once youre out, Id check with your state labor commission website to see if thats legal. Presumably she only got that information through her role in HR, and not general knowledge. Never heard of Cydcor before, and googling is confusing. What the HR manager is doing is simply mortifying. I dont know how well that works with the OPs data-focused presentations, though. having a colleague or assistant be your second pair of eyes. I didnt see what age the OP was, but it often doesnt make sense past your mid to late 40s to invest in a degree. They will come in and fill out a questionaire that will either have questions about concepts used or in general about their day. At some point the dust settles. I agree that you got a pile on when you were trying to be kind and encouraging. But if youre just not up for dealing with it, its perfectly fine to just ignore the contact. So op doesnt need to get a degree but Id like to see them stop feeling like its a deep secret shame. At this point, since Ive worked less than a month for them, my plan is to have my resume end with the retail job I worked over the summer and explain that I moved and have been job searching since then. You dont need an audience either. Ive only recently learned much about MLMs (although Im just gonna say I LOVE my Tupperware!) I had applied to this "company" branch through my University's private job/internship database (my sheisty employer was able to post an ad there because he was a Temple Alumnus). Its perfectly good form when someone comes out to you with new name and pronouns to ask whether youre to use them with everyone, or if not, when. strict standards for business conduct. 11. Do you have someone else who can do that checking?. Its also not advisable to proofread your own work. Cydcor Pyramid Scheme Cydcor affiliates use deceptive job ads stating marketing training when job is actually door-to-door sales. If youre on the same level as these people laughing about it, and you did it without the insane debt, I dont see any negative here. Although this company wasted two weeks of my time, I will never make the same mistake in the future. Is #1 the first time a writers company name was disclosed on this site? It was less than I made by a lot and I was done. I managed to find an apartment and someone who let me stay until I could get a job and pay my share of rent. Sign in. But loosing your mom makes you appreciate and love your father so much more than you ever had. Another note say bye to your social life as your are cut off 10-11 hours a day Monday - Friday. Id never had the misfortune to be involved with a company like Cydcor thankfully. One red flag I noticed: all pictures of employees were taken on the same day if you click through the multiple tabs "home", "about us", "careers". I have an associates. Check out the company site that fooled me. The Cydcor affiliates call themselves "direct sales and marketing firms" but it has been documented by people who worked and interviewed with the affiliates that the primary focus is on . LW1 dont worry about how other companies will view your HR experience there, you arent going to get any. You > Them. Job is 100% commission going DOOR-TO-DOOR barging into businesses who does not want you there. Im glad you are safe and well. Some people use they especially for trans people as a way to avoid using the actual pronouns for that person, with a sort of ha ha but this is the generic one, it works for everyone! excuse and its skeezy. Good luck. I agree on #2. One other point: You can use Hemingway in your browser at hemingwayapp dot com. Ive struggled with this too and looking back, the experiences where I just wanted to get it over with or felt more anxious than expected about presenting, took place in fairly unhealthy working environments. It might also be helpful to address your anxiety of presenting to authority figures. You can Google the case of Sherry Johnson from Florida, who was forced to marry her rapist at the age of 11 in 1971. Its just the nature of the beast. Loss of nearly $300 for new slacks, shoes, and gas money to get to the two interviews and my first day of work once I was hired. Best not to. OP2, if its not typos or the sort of mistakes that proofreading or reading out loud can catch, maybe start a process of having someone else check over your work? You would not expect your car to go down the road on an empty tank. I work in quality. So no, I dont think youre wrong to be upset. Im exceedingly good at it, relatively speaking. You should never proofread your own work. When you are dealing with lots of little pieces of information, and they need to be right, it is folly to go it alone. Why on earth would they take on a commitment like that for no reason? can bad employees and bad managers change? If you need more time, decide which of the suggestions offered here will work best for you, then factor those processes into the amount of time it typically takes you to work on your presentations, and bring all of that info to your conversation with your boss. Again, I am so sorry. They still didnt accept it, but their lack of acceptance was based on faith that top performers would happily stay an extra 2 years in the company with no salary increase. This is because the company itself changed its name multiple times, and personally went in and rated itself. Seems like theyre saying going to college = being smart. There was a professionally designed waiting room complemented by a ton of business magazines and a very friendly secretary -- the interview itself promised that I would become a manager at the office and experience many different forms of marketing. After working for 3 weeks (60 plus hours each week, and driving over 2000 miles, un-reimbursed) I got a check for $358. Cydcor is a multi level marketing firm. Im just speaking as a record-keeping professional about how this could realistically go wrong. OMG I totally worked for a Cydcor company. They were not affiliated with a cable company. For people I know who do this, their first choice is the first pronoun, but they are also perfectly fine with the second if its easier for you. I have done many Google and Glassdoor searches on the company, and all came back positive. I work at a university and its getting more common to add your pronouns as a part of your email signature or at the bottom of a letter. Copyright 1997-2023, Ripoff Report. On the ground level, its set up like a normal sales job; pays when you sell, and doesnt when you dont. If the subject comes up during interviews, I can honestly talk about the reasons why, and Ill usually say something like Ive thought about going back to finish my degree, but honestly, at this point in my career with the track record of successes I have, I cant justify the ROI on the time and expense commitment that would take. So far, thats been good enough. I worked a few more weeks and I realized that even thought I liked being around some of the people, I ultimately had no burning need to be around those people the rest of my life. He says every time he was promoted it was brought up, but it never stopped his promotions. Phoenix Solution Cydcor Scam, Pyramid scheme Fairfield, New Jersey. And even if you are held back by a lack of degree, Id consider alternative careers first unless you really enjoy the field you are in and are in a good financial position to take on the commitment (including the risk that getting a degree doesnt end up getting you the leg up you think it will). Months later I was working for a magazine and chatting with one of the advertising reps. But honestly Id check in with your student first to find out what they want or need in this situation. I found out why a mistake occurred and decided what I would do differently so the mistake did not happen again. No. They are rhinos out for financial indepedence doing the things no one wants to do so that they can be filthy rich and have great lives.#8 Yes! I knew this was a door to door sales job, I was ready to work hard for little pay, but too much wasnt right with the company. I am a high school counselor. Myself, an entrepreneurship major, found this as a perfect opportunity to learn proper management skills. In my search for a data analyst position I often see posts for analyst-type jobs in retail companies, analyzing marketing and sales data. If Id known Id then be hounded by the press, have to sit through court appearances, be questioned about every little detail of what happened every day by forensic accountants.okay probably still would have done it but Id have got some better stress medications first. I mean of course people feel a variety of ways about this, but there are definitely people who have a preference for a mix. for 2 weeks work but they of course tax you on your check so about 120.00. and of course it isn't mandatory but you should go to team nights which you must use a bulk of your money and poker nights where most employees have too much fun if you catch my drift. The group's leadership induces guilt feelings in members in order tocontrol them. Doubt there are any dragons lurking in the office. It doesn't matter what the persons qualifications are, you're job is to close them. But really, when in doubt, ask them. So 1 or 2 would be fine. Original ripoff report is 100% accurate. Or they have one, but not all of them were magna cum laude, ok? So I guess my question is, "Why doesn't Cydcor garner client companies which could actually benefit drastically from door-to-door salesmen instead of client companies which are doing just fine selling their own products themselves?". I was being asked to pay for own gas for company business, which is not all that uncommon but there was no reimbursement at all. If you have any ability to do so: run. Cydcor is a real company and resell services for Rogers. Theres nothing wrong with only having a high school diploma and I hope you can find a way not to be embarrassed that some of your colleagues know (if anything, it makes whatever professional advancement youve achieved more impressive), but your HR manager sounds like an ass. There may also be considerations with their legal or deadname being used on application materials, so you might end up needing something like Susan (he/they, formerly Jason) at the start of the letter. They tell you that you can work out a deal regarding the base pay, but that is NOT true. OP2 it sounds as though youre making a distinction between being done and having caught all the errors, and theyre part and parcel. In this context, its pretty obvious that its about a single person, and I would expect most colleges to be hip to the notion of people choosing their pronouns. This will be generally understood and viewed with approval by HR / recruiters and hiring managers esp. Like pianists practicing scales, theres muscle memory in typing.). Some people do an ROI on a degree and decide it doesnt make sense for them higher education has gotten extremely expensive, which is a real, practical concern that goes beyond lack off encouragement, insecurity naysayers, etc. But lets go with what Tuesday said in the thread below; there are smart and talented people who went to college & smart and talented people who didnt. That is not even the interesting part, it is how the reps are taught to conduct these interviews. There are daily meetings full of meaningless motivational speeches that translate to you should be glad to be working 80-hour weeks for us, only losers wouldnt want this opportunity. (They also dont offer benefits because offices are intentionally kept too small to be legally required to provide health insurance.). They sent us on business trips to nearby towns where we were forced to share beds with our co-workers in the cheapest inn they could find and got no reimbursements for food. I would recommend asking the student what name they are using to apply. Copyright 2008-2023, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. All of their reviews are the same people. 2. The admin has once again done her job and the manager now gets to sit with the interview. Perhaps get a friendly colleague to scan through any presentations? I use CEO and office in quotes as they try to deceive you in all lectures, suggesting an image where the company is independent, the man in the 3 piece suit who is interviewing you is its owner, and the company as a lone entity is worth a few million dollars. I got this on my college email but it doesnt look is this a scam.. someone please help asap . And as already suggested, if you want to build out your credentials community college is a great way to do it. Id also look at what kind of mistakes youre making and where theyre coming from. If its just occasional and the timelines youre being given arent unreasonable, I dont think you need to raise it all least not without first figuring out where the mistakes are coming from and some approaches to mitigate that. Two, to give people who are about to begin their successful careers with a CYDCOR subsidiary all of the information they will never get while employed with CYDCOR. Well, I think if theres a way to bring this over HRs head, she should do that too. I dont think that would be the most considerate way to do things. OP1, you need to get out as soon as you can. But as long as you're an owner of one of the Cydcor franchises, I have a legitimate, honest question for you- what I never got about Cydcor is like Vemma, Cutco: Both of these businesses have very similar pyramid selling scheme business models, same as Cydcor- right? And OP#2 dont beat yourself up too much about this. If its the latter, Id raise that with your boss that youre not catching errors because everything is a rush. He has opened up a new company called 45 Inc. If it makes you feel better, I read that as blight them in the you know what and really liked the turn of phrase :). As time went on other factions began to split away, they changed DS-Max to Innovage and sold the DS-Max name to another company. OP2, I dont know if the errors you makes are about substance or typos. But from my perspective it was far sadder to see top talent get overlooked for proper rewards. Plus really research costs and how much a degree will realistically add to your salary. Finally graduated with $80K in debt and two masters degrees in 2010, after my new field (biology) had just offshored 95% of its lab tech jobs. Id make sure to double-check the numbers he was more likely to know off the top of his head because if he saw errors there, it was much harder to convince him that the levels below that were correct as well (hed assume the error rate was probably the same across the board). We just care if you can get the job done. Its your job to find, recruit, and sucker more people to join an organization to "help you" get promoted. I walk into the breakout room hoping that my boss is going to address me as a new manager in training, but all of a sudden something strange happened. Fortunately, a good cover letter and lots of networking helped me get hired (at entry level, but at least Im no longer unemployed!) I like you :), Big time DA fan! When the manager sits down with the interview, their number one concern is can this person start tomorrow. The group's leader is not accountable to any authorities (as are, for example, clergy with mainstream denominations). I believed in the system though, so I kept trying to get more people in and keep them around long enough to get on a push to Assistant Manager. Maybe you dont have a college degree but it sounds like you are accomplished and that your company sees your value. Which is genuinely what happened, and means that my jobs with more legitimate skills/achievements dont get pushed off the page. You don't need a salesman just to inform other people that a product or service exists. You know, a tired, hungry, thirsty person is really going to struggle more with mental fog that a person who is rested with a decent meal and adequate water. It sounds like youre rushing, and that can definitely cause this. Your brain is less likely to autocorrect what you are seeing with the correct spelling using this technique. At a certain point your brain sees what it is expecting instead of what is actually there. I had such a viscerally negative reaction, I got up and left in the middle of the interview literally while the guy was talking! This office gave the illusion that it was its own entity by having its own name -- this is the exact job description I had applied for -- an entry level account manager: -Making 100+ dials a day over the phone-Sourcing qualified candidates from posted ADS and resume databases like Careerbuilder, Monster, and Zip- recruiter-Engaging in clerical duties like background check paperwork-Utilizing Microsoft Word platforms such as Excel and PowerPoint-Engaging with interviewees' at the front desk such as checking the candidate in, handing out an interview questionnaire etc.-Joining two conference calls a week for skill & team building with other recruiters throughout the country.Benefits:-Health insurance after 90 days' of employment-Paid training-Travel opportunities to national and local conference-Career advancement based on performance not seniority or favoritism-Salary starts off at $25,000-$30,000 annually. Its pretty offensive to imply that people with a college degree are smarter than those without. Elaborations below, this sort of stuff isn't for the faint of heart, First of all, some background on the company: http://ethanvanderbuilt.com/2015/02/27/cydcor-ds-max-scam-opinion/. This is super reassuring to hear, thank you! I apologize for any offense I cause. Probably for the best. Nobody who matters is well served when hostile employers are allowed to operate under secrecy because pronouns are too normie/liberal/PC/dangerous to even address, except when they belong to cis people and those lacking a marked alignment (where pronouns are used automatically, without thinking, without awkwardness, and certainly without hostility.). After being laid off in 09, I cant count how many interview offers I received from shady insurance MLMs. It was an "American Sports College" with 27 korean boys (who spoke no English) as their student body. It started getting really bad when I witnessed someone get promoted to Assistant Manager, but what I learned was this person basically had it handed to her. The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members. Someone on her team got a talking-to after they made so many asshole comments that she suggested to the team lead she transition out of it so someone whose credentials met [asshole]s needs could be added, and the team lead told the asshole that she was far more valuable to the project than he was and, given the choice, he was going to keep her before him. Good luck!!! I routinely proof read my bosss documents before they go out the door. Put the awkward on them: why is that funny? I have a degree. Ive known people who use multiple sets of pronouns who prefer a range things. My resume still looks a little odd to me, because I wouldnt put HS on it and I dont have that higher ed but my list of experiences and roles and 20 years at the same company progressing to higher level positions speaks for itself. You can create a path when you do these things. Both techniques make you really look at whats there, and doesnt let your brain fill in what it knows should be there. I also have the student loan services stalking me. Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. They teach recruits how to brainwash and manipulate people. I usually catch it when presenting and say, Sorry folks, that is supposed to read.. and roll on. It was after I quit that I decided to go to the lawyers and offer my testimony, figuring I could help now. If you're a Cydcor employee and you can't see that, then you need to see a psychologist to help you realize what you can't realize for yourself. Youd honestly probably be better getting a job in fast food or at Target. The contract frees Cydcor from any legal liability of the company, however can still force the ICL to follow its rules. Who knows how things will be in the next few years. Ithank you. Get out as fast as you can. do I really need to send a thank-you note after being rejected for a job? AND regardless of how far the drive is, they make you pay for the gas to get there out of your own pocket when they're the ones sending you there for the company! Its hard not to feel sensitive about lacking something that the society at large has set as such a huge denominator of a persons value to the working world. I had a similar experience around the same time. There you go. #1 I worked for Cydcor HQ many many years ago in Accounting. LW2, if the material is not confidential and one of your reports has a decent eye for errors, this could be a good thing to ask them to work with you on. Pros. I lost a lot of my college friends because I lost contact because I was "working" 65 hours a week and had about half of Saturday and Sunday "to myself" but even that I couldn't get shit done. The question you are asking is not Would you like to revert but What name are you using in your application materials and How do you want to be referred to? And presumably you are not asking for your convenience, but to make sure that your recommendation is as useful to them as possible. (Make sure they are that type of person; my brain will read over things so I am usually not the best person.) Ive heard of this at other places too. File your review. OP3 I went to Uni but never finished (I hated the program, and it was not something I pursued as a career, nor, in retrospect, was it something I ever wanted a career in). One day I happened to be in his classroom and he stepped out briefly. Company reviews. OP3, you have my full empathy and my utmost respect. Everyone I know who uses they does so because they think gender takes up way too much space in peoples identities, not because they are non binary or transgender. DS-Max started it all and then split into different factions. I put she/they in my signature. Among the many hats I wear I also write a lot of recommendation letters for students who are applying to colleges and universities, scholarships, and other activities such as internships and job opportunities. Door to door sales everyday. Advertisers above have met our I had to fix so many words in this post because of flamin autocorrect! Most top talent trickled out of the company in the next years. Right! Sorry for the terrible use of "ums" and editing. It seemed unlikely you would delete dissenting comments, but equally surprising that there arent more of them. Its all one company continuously changing its name. In this context it may be necessary to acknowledge their legal name to make sure it actually gets attached to the application. With locations throughout the United States and Canada. If an office opens and closes, they didn't lose a dime as would a larger corporation opening and closing a new branch. Just go with whatever the student wants you to use; if its someone asking you for a recommendation you probably have enough relationship that that should be an easy conversation. They put their resume in their briefcase, 4. This was immediately confusing to me, as they said they had not sold these office supplies but cable instead (Cydcor wasnt mentioned until the first powerpoint). Find jobs. That was the end of that for me. My point was to encourage OP to look into it. Ripoff Report on: Cydcor - Cydcor marketing scam multiple violation deceptive trade practices act berkely california Otherwise its a totally non-issue. My recommendation letter was sitting on his desk and of course I took a peekenough to see my name and just a few sentences. This student might have a different name on their transcript and other documentation as well, so maximum clarity is a good idea in a high stakes document like this. The revolving door of applicants vs how many people actually get hired vs how many people come back after the first day is truthfully embarrassing to ANY company. And it doesnt cost you anything. As far as I can tell its mostly about knowing how to research/learn about new things quickly, and having a deep background. GroupM is the worlds leading media investment company responsible for more than $63 billion in annual media investment through agencies including Mindshare, MediaCom, Wavemaker, Essence and m/Six, as well as the outcomes-driven programmatic audience company, Xaxis. It is true. schools require the legal name and might not have a place on application for preferred name. As others up thread have suggested, if you find that you are missing the same kind of error frequently it might help to make a checklist of everything you need to check and go about it a little more systematically. The reason why your company is brand new is that theyre having to continually move and change names to keep from either being a) shut down due to legal challenges or b) having enough of a rep that people know the truth about them. #2: If youre concerned about spelling, grammar, or style errors, try reading your writing out loud. they would always reply Funny how we ended up in the same place yet I have 1/3rd the student debt.. All rights reserved. I am not arguing for the casual and regular use of deadnames here. Good thing theyre not hiring for IT positions; more than half the IT people I know have some sort of liberal arts undergraduate major and either learned IT on the job or did some sort of boot camp. Because people DO have a right to discuss pay in general. Weirdly though, this recruiter who had presumably never even seen my resume was one of the most persistent. and that was the second interview. Its all based on lies and deceit. Yeah, I teach at a major university l, and weve all been encouraged to put our pronouns in our Zoom names, Theres a spot for students to fill them in in the class registration software. GroupM Employees GroupM has 24626 employees. I get placed within this group of people, some 40 years old, some 18 with peach fuzz. You dont have to alternate between the two. I went from retail to retail job for a few years trying to figure out what I DID want, and then I landed an entry-level position in my current company. It was all commission, there was no base pay, which is another thing they led me to believe. Roesleins point is that the OP should stop being embarrassed and just own it. These marketing or advertising companies are ISOs and are setup as a management training program. I took my time finding a real job after that no matter if I needed money then and now. I also am unclear on what to do when the two pronouns arent the same (I cant think of a better way to word this) and have been attempting Internet searches recently to figure it out, to no avail. I have a trusted colleague review if I dont have time for seasoning. No! There are some types of errors where that wouldnt help I guess, but I would expect any document going to senior executives to have already passed through at least two sets of eyes. They also gave me a new first name to address them by. You will have less mistakes, you will catch more of the mistakes you do make. The CEO's office is most likely connected to the front office so you can't see how run down the back of the cheap-rent office is. Just as he got done showing me the fifth video in a row, a suggested video came up saying "Is Cydcor a Scam: YES". He emailed me several times and even called once, which I completely ignored. If Tupperware/your standard MLM is just a baby step away from a pyramid scheme, this job is a baby step away from that. They control your life and money and everything before you know it. :). Its a relatively new option in word but Ive found it incredibly useful for hearing whats actually there, not what I expect to see. Whether or not to raise it with your manager depends on how often its happening. Drug Rehab Deception Addiction Treatment Industry Rocked By Fraud & Abuse. Yours may as well. I am not trans or nonbinary but this is my understanding as well based on people I know. They prey on vulnerable uneducated desperate individuals and praise them and use other psychological tactics to draw them in and keep them in till they break them and/or bankrupt them. Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. They should not have to spend their time and money getting a degree to shut down breakroom mockery nor to assuage a normal feeling of human insecurity it is a bit patronizing to assume that theyve not yet done so due to lack of confidence or lack of encouragement.